Spinning Sculpture Project Kindergartener's interactions with robots
Setting the mood….. Using familiar pattern of fairy-tale stories to set the stage for imaginative play The kids were extremely attentive during the story-telling and were very uninhibited and enthusiastic when we asked for volunteers to demonstrate different spinning/feeling modes Seemed to have an easy time understanding the speeds as emotions Loved acting out the different speeds
Social aspects Among the group of girls, initially, the emotion/speed metaphor triggered a discussion of emotions One girl said “ I want mine to go really really slow because I’m very sad today” The girl went on to explain that she missed her mother who was away, and other girls shared their emotions and why they would want their sculptures to represent those emotions Boys were busier with the design aspects helped one another decide on ideas for patterns of movement
Building the sculptures There were a variety of materials they could choose from (ribbon, straw, pipe cleaners) including stickers with animals and letters Many children tried to personalize their sculpture – especially when they could find letters that corresponded to their names One boy couldn’t find the letters in his name – only the “U” and “P” letters were left – so his teacher came over and they talked about whether he wanted to say “p –u” or “up” on his sculpture – literacy connection
Programming Programming was enhanced by the addition of the touch and light sensors Allowed for more tangible control over the different steps in the program Had little trouble understanding the concepts of the sensors
Documenting Naming Drawing Describing
Teacher and Parent support Parents were wonderful in both groups Nurturing supportive Good role models Teachers were significantly different Different class dynamic/vibe One class, teachers were completely involved with the kids at every stage, even though they didn’t really understand the technology – they were willing to learn alongside the kids – thus, they modeled proper learning and problem-solving and encouraged collaboration among the kids The feeling in this class was very safe. Kids felt very comfortable experimenting with and demonstrating their work
Teacher influences In the other class the teacher’s shied away from the technology aspect, so much so that they were physically separated from the kids as they were working and only returned to help the kids label their sculptures In this class there was noticeably more tension/frustration from the kids when things got difficult or did not go as they planned Less cohesion within groups Were more uncomfortable presenting on their own
Students were very proud of their sculptures Some created stories about the sculptures and their purpose Many wanted to keep their creations Very impressed when they shared with one another and placed in the sculpture garden Very enthusiastic about robotics