ENGLISH FOR LAWYERS I INTRODUCTION Snježana Husinec, PhD shusinec@pravo.hr
Contact: shusinec@pravo.hr LECTURER Snježana Husinec, PhD Office hours: Monday, 11.30-12.30., Gundulićeva 10, Office 2A Contact: shusinec@pravo.hr
English for Lawyers I – About the course LEGAL ENGLISH (LLP) – a language for specific purposes (LSP) A) technical (highly specialized) terminology (e.g. jurisdiction, revenue, precedent, judiciary, legislature etc.) B) general English words with different meaning in a legal context (e.g. challenge, artificial person etc.) C) specific structural features (passive form, nominal constructions instead of verbs, special usage of shall etc.)
Reasons why you need to study the language of law using secondary (specialist and scientific) literature studying abroad (scholarships, student exchange) an advantage on the labour market communication with colleagues abroad
English for Lawyers I Obligatory literature Additional source 1. Coursebook Sočanac, Matijašević, Javornik Čubrić, Husinec, Horvatić Bilić: English for the Legal Profession. Zagreb: Narodne novine, 2017. Additional source 2. Teacher’s presentations (www.pravo.hr – Katedra za strane jezike, predmeti, Engleski jezik pravne struke I, Nastavni materijali, Snježana Husinec
Additional reading RECOMMENDED GRAMMAR BOOK M. Hewings, Advanced grammar in Use, 12th printing, Cambridge University Press, 2004
RECOMMENDED DICTIONARIES GENERAL ENGLISH Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary LEGAL ENGLISH A) Monolingual Black’s Law Dictionary P. H. Collin, Dictionary of Law, 03rd edition, Peter Collin Publishing, London, 2002 Online dictionaries: www.legal-dictionary.org legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com B) Bilingual M. Gačić, English-Croatian Dictionary of Law, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2004 V. Ivir, Croatian-English Dictionary of Business and Government, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1998
Course syllabus MODULE I: Introduction to Law Unit 1: Language and Law Unit 2: About Law Unit 3: Branches of Law Unit 4: The Historical Development of Law Unit 5: Legal Systems of the World Unit 6: State Governance and Administration of Justice
Participation and Attendance PARTICIPATION in the lecture – OBLIGATORY ! ATTENDANCE – obligatory - no more than 3 absences SEMINAR PAPER – additional task
Requirements for the examination Tested knowledge: A) vocabulary B) content (presented in the coursebook and during the lecture) 1. Written qualifying exam (focus on terminology and relevant grammar) END-TERM EXAM – second half of January (for those with 3 or fewer absences) 2. Oral exam (speaking about the topics covered by the curriculum – using relevant legal terms)
Additional information STUDENT MENTORS - students with excellent command of English assisting their weaker colleagues TEMPUS STUDY ROOM Trg Republike Hrvatske (in the basement) Monday – Friday = 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. - a variety of useful resources (dictionaries, legal books on different topics) - free Internet access