pandas what you need to know or did you know? In this presentation i will be telling you facts about pandas, some good, some bad. There will be links and pictures you can go on. ENJOY XX
Life outside! Pandas live in china remote mountain forests, were temperatures can get very low and the air is very thin. Bamboo is the main source of food of the pandas. The plant is so slow in nutria that they spend up to 16hrs a day eating it!
Production! Female pandas usually give birth every 2-3 years after a pregnancy lasting 4-6 months.
Their endangered! Pandas habitat is now only half the size it was 15 yrs ago unless the present habitat, is changed, pandas are in serious danger. Pandas are endangered because their main food bamboo is very hard to get so they are running low on it and they eat quite a lot of it during the day.
What can you do to help?! If you want to help all you need to do is visit and you can find more and more information on how you can help endangered species not just giant pandas but other animals as well.All you need to do is copy and paste the web adreess into the bar at the top and then its in your hands.
Hope you can help it would be gr8 xx THANK YOU 4 WATCHING! Hope you can help it would be gr8 xx