United states government Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Warm-Up: Capitol Hill Reflection 1) What was your favorite experience on Capitol Hill on Friday, and why? 2) What was your favorite quote from Delegate Norton? 3) How did your experience on Capitol Hill help you make sense of the PIHS Mock Congress? 4) Can you think of any connections between the Capitol Hill trip and the Four Faces of Democracy trip? 5) What impact, if any, did the trip have on your perception of your “political efficacy” (Your ability to influence the government’s actions)? Explain your answer.
Congressional Elections
Elections for the Federal Government happen every 2 years Elections for the Federal Government happen every 2 years. Every 4 years the President, 1/3 of the Senate, and the full House of Representatives are on the ballot. These are Presidential Election years. In between Presidential elections, there are Midterm election years, in which 1/3 of the Senate and the full House of Representatives are on the ballot. What type of election will happen in 2018?
Presidential vs. Midterm Elections: Voter Turnout is typically MUCH higher in Presidential election years Who do you think benefits from lower voter turnout?
Step 1: Primary Elections – Candidates from the same party compete for that party’s nomination for each House and Senate seat
Step 2: The General Election – Candidates from different parties compete for election to office More on these guys later…
The Senate – Senators serve 6-year terms The Senate – Senators serve 6-year terms. The terms are staggered, so that 1/3 of Senators face re-election every two years Which Senators are up for re-election can have a BIG impact on each party’s chances of winning a majority
The House: All 435 Representatives are up for re-election every 2 years
Factors Influencing Election Outcomes Voter Turnout State of the Economy Popularity of the President And the biggest one…
Incumbency Advantage! Elements of Incumbency Advantage: 1) Name Recognition 2) Easier Access to Campaign Funds Via Lobbyists and PACs 3) Pork Barrel Legislation Earmarks, riders, amendments, and other legislation that “brings home the bacon” (Federal money) to a Congressman’s district 4) Franking Privilege Ability to mail unlimited campaign materials to constituents 5) *GERRYMANDERING*
Activity: House Election 2016 Graphic Work Questions 1) Based only on the map, how many seats of the 435 would you guess were won by Republicans (red)? 2) In what parts of the country are Republicans strongest? Democrats? 3) What does this map suggest about the prospects for Democrats to win a majority in the House in 2018? 4) What factor(s) not shown on this map might help the Democrats’ chances in 2018?
Exit Ticket: Practice MCQ What is the most important factor in determining the outcome of Congressional elections? A. The current state of the economy B. The President’s favorability rating C. Incumbency advantage D. Recent natural disasters