PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Predict BELLWORK On your paper, write your prediction as to what amounts correctly fill in the blanks for the following: Daily, adult males need to consume around ________calories, adult females around ________. However, an Olympic Athlete needs to consume around ______. Eating less than ________ or more than ______can be dangerous.” 15. Predict teacher groups students teacher reads a scenario teacher asks the groups to predict the outcome teacher has the individual student respond or may have the group designate a scribe to write their group’s response teacher has groups share while the other groups compare/contrast their responses or teacher collects the writings Be prepared to share 2 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
ANSWERS Adult males need to consume around 2500 calories, adult females around 2000. However, an Olympic Athlete needs to consume around 4000. Eating less than 1500 or more than 2650 can be dangerous.” Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
Objectives 1. Define and use terminology in correct context. 2. Calculate amount of calories to maintain, lose, or gain weight. 3. Calculate BMI 4. Determine healthy weight range for height using different tools. Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
Terminology Calorie—measurement of the potential heat energy in the food we eat Metabolism—process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from food BMI— measure of body weight relative to height Overweight---heavier than the standard weight range for your height Obese---having an excess of body fat, serious health risks Underweight---below the standard weight range for your height, also carries health risks Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
Calorie E N R G Y Measurement of the potential heat energy in the food we eat Amount of energy expended in raising the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius Provide the energy your body needs for activities such as walking , doing chores, and playing sports You can find calories in protein, carbohydrate, and fats HEAT Property of Pima County JTED 2010
Nutrients Calorie Content 1 gram of protein = 4 calories 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories 1 gram of fat = 9 calories Alcohol NOT considered a nutrient since it does NOT contribute to growth, maintenance, or repair of body tissue. IT IS HIGH IN EMPTY CALORIES! 1 gram of alcohol = 7 calories Property of Pima County JTED 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Write on your Papers Calculate how many calories you are consuming if you have a snack that has the following: 3 grams of fat 7 grams of carbohydrate 5 grams of protein 2. Whiteboards/Slates student writes answer or solution to a question posed by the teacher teacher solicits all students to show at the same time teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 2
How do you know how many calories are in foods? I. Read labels III. Reference guides-- II. I-Phone Apps Fooducate.Ltd. FitNow Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
READING LABELS Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Numbered Heads 4 4. Numbered Heads students number off in a group from 1 to 4 teacher poses a question group discusses the answer teacher selects a number from 1 to 4 and asks all students who represent that number to raise their hand teacher calls on a non-volunteer or uses a random method to generate a number such as rolling die teacher provides feedback Students Number 1-4 In your group, list the information that you can find on a label. Be ready to share when called upon. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 4
How many calories do I need? 9/14/2018
Metabolism—Fast or Slow? The process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from food Converts the food you eat into fuel Example: if you consume 500 fewer calories than you use every day, you will lose 1 pound per week. Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
CALCULATE YOUR daily calorie requirement Use the formula on your note-taker to calculate your daily requirements to maintain your weight. How many calories should you eat daily to lose one pound in a week? How many calories should you eat daily to gain one pound in a week? Write both answers on your slate. 9/14/2018 Property of CTE Joint Venture
Calories Requirements for Teens TEENAGE GIRLS 1700-1800 if sedentary/not active 2000-2200 if moderately active 2300-2600 if active 2800-3000 if very active TEENAGE BOYS • 2100-2500 if sedentary/not active • 2500-2900 if moderately active • 2800-3400 if active • 3300-4000 if very active Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
A measure of body weight relative to height. Overweight - heavier than the standard weight range for your height Obese - having an excess of body fat, serious health risks Underweight - below the standard weight range for your height, also carries health risks Body Mass Index (BMI) A measure of body weight relative to height. By calculating your BMI you can determine if you’re overweight, obese, or underweight Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
PARTNER PRACTICE Calculate Your BMI Using your phone, go to this website Enter your information and calculate BMI Write your BMI down on note-taker. Determine if you are at a healthy weight or not. Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
What are other ways to determine if you are at a healthy weight? APPROPRIATE WAYS INAPPROPRIATE WAYS Insurance table Dr, recommendation Weight Watchers Clothes fitting poorly Fatigue easily Photographs of self Peer pressure Comparing self to models, celebrities, friends Hurtful remarks by family/friends Negative body image Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Choose nutritional foods: fruits, vegetables and whole grains that have fewer calories Watch portion sizes: stick to recommended portion sizes for each food groups Avoid foods that are high in fats and added sugars: fast foods, candy, soda Enjoy your favorite foods in moderation: enjoy a small scoop of ice cream less often, special occasions 9/14/2018
More Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Be active: walking, yard work, dancing, swimming, bicycling, etc. Tone your muscles: muscle tissue takes more calories to maintain than fat, so increasing your muscle mass means that your body will use more calories Stay hydrated: drink between 8 to 12 cups of day, cup = 8 ounces Property of CTE Joint Venture 9/14/2018
Healthy Ways to Gain Weight Select foods from the five major food groups that are higher in calories: whole milk Choose higher-calorie, nutrient-rich food: nuts, dried fruits, cheese, and avocados Eat nutritious snacks: enjoy more often to increases your daily calorie intake Get regular physical activity: activity will ensure that most of the weight you gain is muscle rather than fat 9/14/2018
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 12 Word Summary 18 21 37 48 14 13 23 On a separate sheet of paper, summarize how you would maintain, gain or lose weight in a healthy manner. 26. 12 Word Summary in 12 words or less, summarize the most important aspects from today's lesson teacher uses a strategy to check all PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 23