November 13 2017 EQ – What items were found in tomb’s & what were they used for? Bellringer: Rosetta Stone – Last page of your packet Valley of the Kings & King Tut Why switch to Valley of the Kings? Primary Sources from Tut’s Tomb HW: Study Guide due tomorrow Test Wednesday
Once there were The Pyramids………
And Then….The Valley of the Kings
The Valley of the Kings The valley was used from 1539BC to 1075 BC (New Kingdom) 62 royal and private tombs Valley also had tombs for favorite nobles, wives and children Some were simple pits, and others were huge – with over 121 chambers and corridors
Pharaoh – Seti I
Pharaoh – Ramses III
For the moment - an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by - I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, 'Can you see anything?' it was all I could do to get out the words, 'Yes, wonderful things.' Then widening the hole a little further, so that we both could see, we inserted an electric torch."
The Valley of the Kings Is where King Tutankhamen (Tut) is buried His Tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter This tomb was not disturbed, thus King Tut’s treasures have taught us much about Egyptian burial practices and beliefs. NGS photo by Victor R. Boswell
King Tut's Tomb - List of Contents The following content list describes the breathtaking treasure and different types of objects, many of which were made of gold and silver and encrusted with precious jewels, which were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun: Jewelry including Bracelets, Anklets, Buckles, Scarabs, Amulets, Pendants, Pectorals, Necklaces, Earrings, Collars, Ear Studs and Rings 6 Chariots Couches Chairs 2 Thrones Ritual beds and Headrests Anthropoid (man-shaped) Gilded Coffins and the Solid Gold coffin Shrines - Canopic shrine and Burial shrines Funeral Equipment Naos covered with gold lamina- a shrine in which statues were kept - this naos was empty but decorated with scenes of daily life and hunting Gilded statues - Anubis and life size sentry statues and other statuettes Chests Daggers and other weapons and shields Musical Instruments Scribal Equipment Lamps Ornaments Caskets, Vases and jars 139 ebony, ivory, silver, and gold walking sticks Clothing made of the finest linen - 50 garments including tunics, kilts, gloves, scarves and headdresses Ostrich fans and Golden Fans Games - Ebony gaming boards including Senet Food and Wine - 30 jars of wine
What are these items? You will view 10 items found in Pharaohs’ tombs. Decide - What are they & why were they placed in the tomb?
Item’s Found Canopic Jars – Used to hold the organs of the deceased An Egyptian Bed Ushabit statues – “Answerers” Who did your work in the afterlife A Funerary Boat A Servant Girl – to bring you drink and food Instruments for the Mouth Opening Ceremony A Game Table A Throne A Perfume Bottle A Crown