Sample Information Basalt samples were taken from Ekmeli Quarry in Bursa, Turkey. Basalt materials that are used as ballast layer for Marmaray CR-3 Rail Upgrade Project in Istanbul along the railway between Gebze – Halkalı. BG-1 is a ballast sample which is weathered and exceeds the required limits regarding particle density, water absorption, and Los Angeles Resistance test according the test report 14-220. BG-2 is a fine ballast sample which has necessary technical requirements for using as a ballast layer for the railway according to test report 13-2194.
Sample Information BG-1
Sample Information BG-1
Sample Information BG-1
Sample Information BG-2
Sample Information
XRD Analysis Following analysis were made for both BG-1 and BG-2 samples; Bulk – random powder mount and general identification of the common phases. Oriented clay mount and analysis of peaks occurring in (air-dried; ethylene glycol saturated; heated 100C; heated 350C; heated 550C) Simulation of oriented pattern in ethylene glycol state using NEWMOD 0.2 mm divergent slit was used in measurements. 5-70⁰ 2θ range was scanned In this research clay minerals in weathered basalt (BG-1) were identified and comparison of BG-1 and BG-2 Bulk samples were analysed.
XRD Analysis for Bulk Sample of BG-2
XRD Analysis for Bulk Sample of BG-1
Comparison of XRD Analysis for Bulk Samples of BG-1 and BG-2
Comparison of XRD Analysis for Bulk Samples of BG-1 and BG-2 It can be indicated that feldspar mineral is increased in BG-1 weathered basalt sample than BG-2 fine basalt sample.
XRD Analysis of Oriented Clay Mount for BG-1
BG-1 Air Dried
BG-1 100C
BG-1 350C
BG-1 550C
BG-1 all
XRD Analysis of Oriented Clay Mount for BG-1 After AD to EG it can be seen that peak at 12,17A decreases to 16,03A for Montmorillonite clay mineral. After the sample is heated to 350C and 550C it is seen that there is a decrease from 12A to 9,86A which means that water is completely absorbed and there has similar behaviour of Illite. At the peak 7,13A the clay mineral Kaolonite can be identified due to the reason that there is no any change until 350C heat and peak remains same, however after 550C heated there cannot be seen any.
Mixed Layer Analysis for BG-1 EG Using NEWMOD background is modified. Firstly, most abundant clay is determined as Dismectite-1GLY for Montmorillonite. Other clay mineral is determined as Dimica for Illite.
Mixed Layer Analysis for BG-1 EG
Mixed Layer Analysis for BG-1 EG Using NEWMOD background is modified. Firstly, most abundant clay is determined as Dismectite-16LY for Montmorillonite. Other clay mineral is determined as Dimica for Illite. Secondly, analysis and modification is done for pure Kaolinite parameters.
Mixed Layer Analysis for BG-1 EG
Mixed Layer Analysis for BG-1 EG Using NEWMOD background is modified. Firstly, most abundant clay is determined as Dismectite-16LY for Montmorillonite. Other clay mineral is determined as Dimica for Illite. Secondly, analysis and modification is done for pure Kaolinite parameters. At last two files are combined with NEWMOD.
Mixed Layer Analysis for BG-1 EG