Challenges and Solutions for Creating Accessible Math and Science Materials Teresa Haven, PhD Co-Chair AHEAD TSC Ron Stewart, MS President, ATHEN Managing Consultant, AltFormat Solutions Information contained herein accompanies the webinar title above and is meant only for use by intended audience. Requests for permission for use should be directed to the Association on Higher Education And Disability.
State of the Access (simulation, homework, exams) Current accessibility of STEM Content (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Paper/ink materials Digital educational materials Educational software (simulation, homework, exams) Hardware/non-virtual materials (labware, models, microscopes, etc.)
Legal Obligations and Guidance DRA UC Berkeley Structured Settlement OCR South Carolina Technical College Settlement OCR Louisiana Technical College Settlement
OCR Guidance Effectiveness is defined by three components: timeliness of delivery accuracy of the translation provision in a manner and medium appropriate to the significance of the message and the abilities of the individual with the disability
DRA UC Berkeley Students who request course materials in alternative media can now expect to receive textbooks in 10 business days and course readers in 17 business days.
South Carolina Technical College Web Developers designing Web content for all official Web pages must consider accessibility issues during initial development. For all new Web pages and revisions to currently used Web pages, Web Developers must follow the minimum standards.
OCR Louisiana Technical College The University will only purchase, develop or use technology and instructional materials that allow persons who are blind or who have other vision disabilities the equal opportunity to access, use, and avail themselves of such technology or instructional materials in as full, equal, and independent a manner as persons without disabilities. All instructional materials and online courses created by a college, department, program, unit or professor must be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities at the same time they are available to any other student enrolled in that program. New Pages: All new and redesigned web pages, web applications and web content (“web pages”) published by any college, department, program, unit, or professor that are available to students, prospective students, or applicants must comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 level AA (“WCAG 2.0 AA”).
Technology Considerations Is the Learning Environment Accessible? Is the AT compatible with the IT? Does the User have the Skills? IT Skills STEM Competency Have Options been Identified? Content Remediation Inaccessible System Components Essential Elements of Instruction Impact on Teaching and Learning
Graphical Competence Identify characteristics/significant elements of image Be able to use the language to discuss components of a graphic Identify attributes of symbols used in graphic Develop a system for scanning graphic and key searching for specific information Lucia Hasty, Rock Mountain Braille Associates
Assistive Technologies Screen-Reader Dolphin Supernova, Freedom Scientific JAWS, GW Micro Window-Eyes Screen-Magnification ZoomText , MAGic with Speech, Supernova Reading Systems Dolphin EasyTutor, TextHelp Read & Write Gold (Windows), Claro Read (Windows), Kurzweil 3000 (Windows), WYNN Other Platforms MAC OS, iOS, Chrome, Linux
Potential Solutions
Math and Scientific Notation Math and Symbology Word’s built in equation editor Scientific Notebook MathType TIGER Software Suite Narrative Descriptions
Descriptions or Tactiles Decide the appropriate format What is going to best convey the meaning Enlarge, Describe or annotated Tactile Complete Descriptions! Include all relevant aspects Forces Directions Significant Details
Technologies for Math and Science Scalable Vector Graphics MathML LaTEX IVEO Accessible Graphing Calculator InftyReader and ChattyInfty
MathType MathType is an equation editor for MS Office Allows equations to be entered into MS Word documents much like the Equation Editor Document with equations can be exported as: Web page with MathML Images (.GIF) TeX/LaTeX
MathPlayer MathType provides an export option to create Web pages from MS Word Exported Web pages may contain equations presented as images OR MathML Web pages and equations can be viewed in either Firefox or Internet Explorer (requires MathPlayer)
Infty Reader OCR application that recognizes STEM documents into editable content Can convert to LaTeX, MathML, and XHTML Recognized content may be exported to MS Word 2003/2007 for additional editing
Infty Editor & Chatty Infty Infty Editor is an authoring tool for math expressions Chatty Infty is an extension of Infty Editor that provides speech output of math content
Math Input Options Standard Keyboard Entry MathType Scientific Notebook Accessible Graphing Calculator MathTrax LaTeX ChattyInfty MathTalk
Contact Information Teresa Haven Ron Stewart