The representation of ice hydrometeors in ECHAM-HAM


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Presentation transcript:

The representation of ice hydrometeors in ECHAM-HAM Specific humidity Specific humidity Cloud cover Precipitation

The phase of precipitating clouds 5 years of data from CloudSat-CALIPSO (2006-2011) → Precipitation in mid-latitudes and above continents is dominated by clouds having ice tops Ice phase Super cooled liquid fraction (SLF) has a strong impact on Equilibrium climate sensitivity Tan et al., Science, 2016 Liquid phase Mixed phase Phase fraction Remo Dietlicher - C2SM user workshop

Remo Dietlicher - C2SM user workshop Cloud ice in models CMIP5 GCMs and reanalysis for globally averaged (80°N – 80°S), annual mean vertical profiles of ice water content. All models are in radiative balance Very wide spread in IWC → Radiative balance is achieved by a wide range of ice properties → Models disagree on the representation of cloud ice Remo Dietlicher - C2SM user workshop

How to describe cloud ice Two category scheme Single category scheme Ice Surface Precipitation Radiation Radiation α= 𝑣Δ𝑡 Δ𝑧 Ice Growth Snow Precipitation Surface Remo Dietlicher - C2SM user workshop

Cloud phase and the description of ice Idealized simulation Single column with external forcing from 800 – 600 hPa: 12 hours moistening 12 hours stable 12 hours drying Microphysics only (no radiation, convection, diffusion, transport) → Cloud phase is heavily influenced by description of ice hydrometeors! Remo Dietlicher - C2SM user workshop

Remo Dietlicher - C2SM user workshop Conclusions There is a large gap between resolved scales and microphysics Cloud phase is important for precipitation formation and equilibrium climate sensitivity Description of cloud ice strongly affects cloud phase A single category removes the need for the heuristic partitioning of cloud ice Thank you! Remo Dietlicher - C2SM user workshop