Communicating Particle Physics to UK opinion formers Terry O’Connor EPPCN – 12 April 2012
Objective Secure maximum ongoing public and political support for particle physics research in the United Kingdom, by: Promoting the significant scientific, societal and economic benefits of current and past investments in the discipline Timeframe: April 2011 to March 2015 Measured by: Increased positive media coverage and editorials Statements of support from parliamentarians and non-physics opinion formers Anecdotal or hard evidence of ongoing public support
Risks Announcement of Higgs and subsequent shutdown may be conflated in the public/political sphere Potential for erroneous presumption that LHC is no longer required Adverse publicity may affect future interest by students/graduates in physics, and funding from parliament Timing critical: Next UK Government spending round may start early – Evidence from early 2013 Announcement possibly late 2013
Key audiences Politicians and associated advisers More “political” than “media” but needs strong media focus as influencers Highlight the wider societal, economic and international benefits from particle physics more widely, not just CERN Hard evidence needed of direct benefits – new material Heavy emphasis on skills transfers, inspirational nature of PP in encouraging wider STEM take-up Tie-in required with international activities, eg: Brussels exhibition and European PP strategy launch International developments Need to answer question of “What is going to happen next?”