The IFAD Knowledge and Learning Market (KLM) Sharing in the Philippines Yolando C. Arban Country Program Officer IFAD Country Office- Philippine
The IFAD KLM An annual, two-day public event that brings together IFAD stakeholders and the general public and showcases the activities, accomplishments and products of IFAD projects and assisted communities. Consists of exhibits, product displays, interactive workshops, testimonies, cultural performances, and press conferences. Now on its ninth year, the KLM serves as the centerpiece activity of IFAD’s knowledge network in the Philippines. It has evolved from a mere showcasing of IFAD projects to a forum for policy advocacy.
History The first KLM was held in 2007. But its seeds were sowed way before then, 10 years before to be exact, with the implementation of ENRAP. In 1987, when the newly established IFAD Philippine country office presented a concept note for the holding of a two-day event that will showcase IFAD projects, the knowledge sharing network forged by ENRAP was more than willing to embrace the concept, which became the KLM. The first KLM, held on October 16 to 17 in Manila’s biggest shopping mall, introduced IFAD’s projects in the Philippines. It was a coming out party for IFAD, so to speak.
History Through eight editions in the same number of years, the KLM showcased IFAD’s presence in the Philippines through exhibits, presentation of good practices, and product demonstrations. Two editions of the KLM even came up with policy recommendations (KLMs 4 and 8), while one edition was held outside Manila (KLM 7) to celebrate the 5th year of implementation of the CHARM2 project.
KLM “add-ons” To engage the stakeholders and spice up the proceedings, each KLM was celebrated with traditional song and dance, contests in creativity and dramatic statements of solidarity. Each KLM also had press conferences to engage the media. As the KLM was pegged as a means to introduce IFAD to the general public, the annual event was for the most part held in shopping malls and hotels, where “walk-in” participants were welcomed.
KLM through the years
Impact The KLM was crucial in creating wider public visibility for IFAD operations in the Philippines, and has helped nurture a largely informal knowledge network of IFAD projects and partners. From a “show and tell” activity in its early years, the KLM has emerged as a policy forum.
Impact For middle level staff of projects, line agencies and local government units (LGUs), the KLM helped affirm their work and helped broaden their awareness of other issues. A major outcome was social networking – in meeting the faces behind the names and email addresses. Most importantly, the KLM helped give recognition to communities, increased their capacity to advertise themselves, given community leaders confidence in that they can give direct testimonies of their own situations and achievements.
Success Factors IFAD Support Support of Projects and Partners (GO,CSOs, FOs) Consultative conceptualization and planning History of productive engagement among government line agencies, CSOs and the people’s organizations The Filipino penchant for gatherings
Challenges Funding Presentation of best practices – ensuring that these are indeed “best practices” Availability of participants and speakers Ensuring that each succeeding KLM is more engaging than the previous ones
Thank you very much! Maraming salamat po!