Validation of valid3 samples Zee(106050) and Jpsiee(105751)


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Presentation transcript:

Validation of valid3 samples Zee(106050) and Jpsiee(105751) FredD., Nicolas K.,R.D S., Fany D., Lydia F. Lydia Fayard July 17th

14.2- : Main differences Rel15 has a better track choice ”Photon conversions” move from Photon to Electron container Electron energy is replaced by a combined E&P information New isEM definition with optimized cuts in more (η, pt) bins, starting from Pt>~3GeV The valid3 sample is a reprocessing of mc08 starting from redoing digitisation to include xtalk Lydia Fayard July 17th

The Zee sample (1) Efficiency in Container Efficiency for Loose Efficiency for Medium Rel 14 86.3% 84.3% 73.6% Rel valid3 95.9% 91.3% 86.5% Matching with truth: DR<0.2 REMARKS : Efficiency in Container increases by 9.5% in absolute : better track choice and “photon conversions” are now in electron container Loose efficiency in Rel15 increases by 7% in absolute Medium efficiency in Rel15 increases by 12.9% in absolute Current Medium Efficiency ~= Rel14 Container efficiency! Lydia Fayard July 17th

The Zee sample (2) Lydia Fayard July 17th

The new Electron Energy (electron.e()) Before Rel15.3 : electron.e()=electron.cluster.e() From 15.3.0 on, the electron energy variable contains a combined E & P value. (see Tulay+Thomas+Teddy in eg meeting held on 03/06/09). This gives an e/p variable much thinner in Rel15.3.0.1 than in Rel14. Attract lowPt electrons under the peak newE(elec)-E(cluster)=f(Ept) Explains new linearity/uniformity shapes (shown in next slide) For Id purposes , one has to re- compute by hand e/p a sclusterE/trackP JPsiee Lydia Fayard July 17th

Zee (3): Uniformity/Linearity E=electron.e() Open dots: Rel14 AODs read with Rel15.3 Triangles: Rel15 valid3 E=electron.cluster.e() Lydia Fayard July 17th

The Z invariant mass Because the new E&Pcombined electron energy the invariant Zee mass computed from electron quadri-vector has changed vs Rel14 Warning: Pay attention: use Electron.cluster.e() in current AODs Thomas replaced the electron.eoverp() variable with the electron.cluster(). E()/electron.trackParticle.p() (from egammaPIDTools-00-00-60 on) Lydia Fayard July 17th

Lower rate of fakes at Loose level in Rel15.3.0.1 Fraction of fakes Open dots: Rel14 AODs read with Rel15.3 Triangles: Rel15 valid3 Lower rate of fakes at Loose level in Rel15.3.0.1 At Medium level : ~= equal rates between Rel14 & rel15 Lydia Fayard July 17th

Electron shapes in Calo A number of ID variables related to shower shapes have changed in Origin: the included Xtalk during re-digitization. Not all of them are used to the new isEM criteria  Check the new isEM cuts tuning (bw: thresholds were defined safely) W1s: From Evgeny See ValidationMeeting 14/06/09 Lydia Fayard July 17th

Medium efficiency better by +4.5% in Rel15 Direct JPsi sample(1) Efficiency in Container Efficiency for Loose Efficiency for Medium Rel 14 42.4% 37.0% 29.8% Rel15.3.0.1 valid3 42.8% 36.4% 34.2% RELATED REMARKS : Number of soft electrons decreases in Rel15.3.0.1 by ~32% (better track choice). Efficiency in Container increases slightly (0.4%) : conversion reco is low at low Pt Loose efficiency in Rel15 for low Pt ~>3GeV ~= Loose Eff Rel14 for Pt>7GeV Medium efficiency better by +4.5% in Rel15 Lydia Fayard July 17th

Gains increase with eta (isEM optimization) Direct Jpsi sample(2) Gains increase with eta (isEM optimization) Lydia Fayard July 17th

Direct JPsi sample(3) Duplicates: The new Sliding Window thresholds ARENOT in (Guillaume). Duplicate rate should be the same for Rel14 and Rel15.3.0.1 valid3 samples. However: computing duplicate rate `a la Gaby&Guillaume (see eg07/07/09) one finds : Rel14 : 3.1% Rel15: 2.1% BEWARE : a lot of soft changes can simulate duplicate fraction change (track choice, efficiency increase..)  Clusters energy distribution starts at ~3GeV in both Rel14 and Rel15.3.0.1 valid3 samples Lydia Fayard July 17th

Standard Dphi DphiRescaled The new deltaPhi Zee sample Standard Dphi DphiRescaled  deltaPhiRescaled : stored in EMtrackMatch egDetail Corresponds to the difference in phi between the cluster and the track at its origin with the momentum rescaled to Ecluster Information correctly stored Remarks: this new deltaphi can be used also at the track-cluster match level. Recovers ~3% of electrons. Available as an option for AOD->AOD,DPD use. Lydia Fayard July 17th

Conclusions The valid3 samples show that optimization in electron reconstruction is effective Over all Pt spectrum, we have now a medium efficiency of 86.5% ( 73.6% in Rel14) without changing fake rates. The optimized SW is still off Need attention to e, e/p and shower shape treatment Lydia Fayard July 17th