Jobs that are disappearing but still needed. Mateusz Podkowski
Tailor One of the disappearing jobs is a tailor. Tailor is an artisan who sews, repairs and professionally alters clothes. Also, a tailor sews clothes on order for individuals.
Some history Although the term dates back to the thirteenth century, tailor took on its modern sense in the late eighteenth century. Traditional tailoring is called „bestpoke tailoring" in the United Kingdom, where the heart of the trade is London's Savile Row tailoring, and "custom tailoring" in the United States and Hong Kong.
Materials which are used by tailors Tailors often use wool, linen or silk to sew men's and women's suits, coats, trousers and similar garments. These artisans use scissors, needles, measures, threads, pins, tweezers, sewing machines.