VF-C R2 Feature Planning & Implementation Yan Yang yangyanyj@chinamobile.com December 11, 2017
VF-C Amsterdam Release Retrospect Functionalities delivered in Amsterdam release VF-C supports NS/VNF lifecycle management and FCAPS management VF-C supports integration with multi VNFMs and EMS via drivers VF-C supports integration with VNFs via generic VNFM. VF-C Components delivered in Amsterdam release NFVO LCM, Catalog, ResMgr, EmsDriver, SVNFM Driver(3), GVNFM Driver GVNFM LCM, Res, Mgr WfEngine WfEngine,activiti
VF-C R2 Feature Planning Focus Use Case Requirements - R2 functional requirement from different use cases Carrier Grade Requirements(S3P) - Address S3P requirements in R2 VF-C R1 function enhancement - Address and enhance the issues discovered in R1 VF-C functionalities can be divided into two categories in R2 Functionality enhancement to existing use cases Maturity enhancement to existing functionalities
Functionality Enhancement to Existing Use Cases - NS/VNF Scaling Support NS/VNF level scaling Support auto & manual scaling EPA Support EPA features VF-C Dummy case for developer - VF-C vFW and vLB case Virtual Resource Management in indirect mode VF-C R1 supports direct mode In R2,VF-C will work with Multi-cloud to implement indirect mode Support VNFs as containers– stretch goal Automatic configuration management – stretch goal
Functionality enhancement—NS/VNF Scaling NS/VNF Manual scaling: Manual scaling provides the capability of NS/VNF scale in/out triggered by operators Portal SO VF-C 3rd VNFM VIM/NFVI 3rd EMS/VNF 1. Manually trigger scaling operation 2. Scaling in/out 3. Operate scaling in/out 2’. Scaling in/out 3’. Operate scaling in/out
Functionality Enhancement —NS/VNF Scaling Auto-scaling close loop DCAE Onset ④ PDP Clear ③ TCA DMaaP DMaaP VES Collector Rest ⑦ ⑤ Scaling VNF VNF KPI VF-C VNF EMS Adapter Action Execution ① Guest ② Multi-Cloud VF-C VM KPI Host ⑥
Functionality Enhancement—NS/VNF Scaling NS/VNF Auto-Scaling workflow based on policies
Functionality Enhancement—EPA EPA Features support Multi-VIM Abstraction Layer OpenStack WindRiver VMware VIO A&AI DB VF-C POLICY CLAMP SO DCAE Catalog SDC VNF Suppliers Contain hardware platform requirements VNF Packages (CSAR Files) EPA-centric policies for VNF placement and operation VNF packages are ingested and on-boarded Discovery of hardware platform capabilities Discovered hardware capabilities are stored in the inventory DB Parse hardware platform capabilities in tosca model
Functionality Enhancement—EPA VF-C EPA Features Support Project Requirement Modeling Adding the EPA description in VNFD model SDC Handling of EPA requirements during on-boarding and service design SO/VF-C Orchestration of service and VNF instantiation based on EPA requirements; Use of hardware platform requirements as constraints for VNF instance operation and remediation. MultiVIM Discovery of VIM compute resources, discovery of hardware platform capabilities, persistence of compute resource capability data AAI Modeling and persistence of hardware platform capabilities as part of the inventory information. Other …… EPA features SR-IOV, NUMA,….. VNFD GVNFM VNF Simple VNF, Clearwater
Functionality Enhancement -Dummy Case for Developer R1 focuses on integration with related modules to support VoLTE use case, such as SDC, A&AI, SO, Policy, etc. In R2, use VF-C to demo dummy case for developer, such as vFW, vLB SDC A&AI MSB SO UUI Policy Adaptor NBI NFVO Adaptor GVNFM Adaptor Multi-VIMl vFW vLB VNF VIMs Open source VNF Work with Integration team to define Tosca Model - Test cases
Functionality Enhancement to Existing Use Cases—Indirect Mode VNF related resource management done by VNFM VNF related resource management done by NFVO
Functionality Enhancement to Existing Use Cases—Indirect Mode Shield direct interaction between VNFM and VIM Unified virtual resources management entrance VF-C is participating in the discussion and formulation of indirect mode solutions. Design Principles model requirements VF-C / vendor VNFM Seamless switch to the multi-vim proxy module Multi-cloud Provide a consistent interface with VIM to avoid VNFM changes
Functionality Enhancement to Existing Use Cases—Stretch goal Two stretch goal - Support VNFs as containers in addition to VNFs as VMs Container technical advantages VNFs as container is needed for ONAP R2+ use cases, such as 5G-RAN and vCPE Automatic configuration management – stretch goal Object: Service configuration unified entrance and automatic service configuration delivery Current situation: No reference standard, big difference among vendors
Maturity Enhancement to Existing Functionalities VF-C module maturity enhancement - Continue to align interface with the ETSI ONAP system maturity enhancement - Image Management - Package Management - Resource Management - Deployment Management - Operation and maintenance management
VF-C Module Maturity Enhancement- Align interface with the ETSI Alignment analysis of current VF-C interface with ETSI standard Interface Features Alignment analysis NSLCM NBI NS Package Align with the SDC interface, not ETSI LCM Most of interfaces have aligned with ETSI, only a few URLs and parameters need to be aligned Notification Not align with ETSI Interface between NSLCM and Driver VNF Package VFC provides query and fetch VNF package interface. In addition to the above interface ,ETSI provides package subscribe and notification interface. VF-C only provides instantiate interface; ETSI provides create and instantiate interface; VF-C only provides terminate interface; ETSI provides terminate and delete interface; Other functions are almost aligned,need to align URLs and parameter. GVNFM NBI LCM/ VNF package/Notification LCM interfaces are aligned with ETSI, the Package and notification interfaces can refer the Driver’s analysis
VF-C Module Maturity Enhancement- Align interface with the ETSI ONAP Interface Interface ETSI Interface NSLCM NBI api/nslcm/v1/ns SOL005 api/nslcm/v1/ns/{nsInstanceId}/instantiate api/nslcm/v1/ns/{nsInstanceId}/scale api/nslcm/v1/ns/{nsInstanceId}/heal api/nslcm/v1/ns/{nsInstanceId}/terminate api/nslcm/v1/jobs/{job_id} NSLCM and Driver API /{vnfmtype}/v1/{vnfmid}/vnfs SOL003 /{vnfmtype}/v1/{vnfmid}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/scale /{vnfmtype}/v1/{vnfmid}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/heal /{vnfmtype}/v1/{vnfmid}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/terminate /{vnfmtype}/v1/{vnfmid}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId} /{vnfmid}/jobs/{jobid} /catalog/v1/vnfpackages/{csarId} /nslcm/v1/ns/grantvnfgrantvnf /nslcm/v1/ns/{vnfmid}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/Notify
ONAP System Maturity Enhancement Cooperate with other projects to enhance ONAP system maturity Enhance Function Related Project Function Description R1 Implementation Image Management IM VF-C cooperates with IM to complete the image upload to the specified VIM in the running time Image manually upload to VIM Package Management RT Catalog VF-C cooperates with RT catalog to complete the package management in running time VF-C has one catalog component to manage packages in running time Resource Management A&AI VF-C synchronize all virtual resource instances to A & AI Only NS/VNF/VL/VM resource stored in A&AI Deployment Management OOM Use OOM to deploy VF-C VF-C deployment with heat Operation and Maintenance Management Logging VF-C integrates with Logging to implement log centralized management and operation and maintenance. VF-C didn’t integrate with Logging