Servant Leadership Servant Leadership, although an age old philosophy, was recently named only in 1970, and that is why it is considered to be a contemporary leadership theory. There are 10 basic principles of servant leadership: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to growth of people, and building community.
Conceptualization This is all about being able to nurture their ability to “dream great dreams.” They need to be able to look at a problem and think beyond day to day tasks and see the whole picture. This is a tough undertaking as there needs to be a careful balance here between the day to day, and seeing the whole picture.
Foresight Having this trait will help the leader see and recognize mistakes from the past, and fix the problem at the bottom line so they do not make the same mistakes again. They will also look ahead to see what tasks need to be accomplished and see what needs to be done in order to prepare for them.
Commitment to the Growth of People This leader believes that people have an intrinsic value beyond just their tangible contributions at their workplace. This means that a leader will be committed to both personal as well as professional growth for their team members.
Building Community A servant leader will identify a way to build community between those who work in an organization together. This is incredibly important as it will help the team to grow together and will help to give its members identities and will create loyalty, to both the organization and the team.