Light Your World Rev. Carol Saunders
Who Am I?
What I Know (aka My Call to Action) Human beings are powerful and creative We live as though non-human animals are things We kill over 1,000,000 sentient animals every hour of every day for food
What I Know (aka My Call to Action) Animals used for food are abused and used (for our wants) Virtually no federal laws protect farmed animals from abuse and confinement 95% of them are not protected even from inhumane slaughter
What I Know (aka My Call to Action) Animals are some-ones not some-things They are beings with their own interests, desires and personalities 2500 studies have declared them sentient We no longer need to eat them
Human Impact Factory farm work is grueling, repetitive, exhausting, dangerous and extremely violent Workers must psychologically detach themselves from the large-scale death they are actively involved in
Human Impact Slaughterhouse lines run at insanely frenzied paces (like 250-400 cows per hour or 140 chickens per minute) Injuries are rampant - double the rate of other United States industry and 30 times the national average for repetitive motion injury
Human Impact Counties with slaughterhouses have four times the national arrest, with significantly higher rates oaverage of violent f alcoholism, domestic abuse, child abuse and suicide (Huffington Post 8/18/14)
Humane educator
Awakening the world one soul at a time to the Truth that My Calling Awakening the world one soul at a time to the Truth that (i.e. widening our circle of Compassion to include all sentient beings)
Environmental Impact Health concerns These are not mine to do! Other Considerations Environmental Impact Health concerns These are not mine to do!
My Observation There is a disconnect between what I know about people (their beliefs and values) and their behaviors Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time; performs an action that is contradictory to their beliefs, ideas, or values; or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas or values. (Scientific American, 1962 v. 207, L. Festinger)
Target Audience Spiritually-minded people Animal Advocates
The Spiritually-minded Value Love, Peace & Harmony Want to be kind and non-violent We are One Metaphysics of violence Bondedness Golden Rule Understand that we are not tied to learned behaviors We create our lives – we can change and evolve
The Spiritually-minded Opportunity for Them Path to wholeness Path to alignment with values Integration of inner child True inner peace (because alignment yields peace)
Animal Advocates Don’t trust religion/atheists Can be harsh and intolerant Would benefit from spiritual support for their mission
Animal Advocates Opportunity for Them Bring Universal Love to their mission Learn spiritual tools to support their work – prayer, meditation, visioning, etc. Feel love of Spirit for their work
Charles Fillmore “We need never look for universal peace on this earth until men stop killing animals for food.“ “We believe that all life is sacred and that man should not kill or be a party to the killing of animals for food; also that cruelty, war, and wanton destruction of human life will continue so long as men destroy animals.” Unity Statement of Faith
How I Am the Message?
How I Am the Message: Blog
Wolf and the Lamb Blog Posts Finding Your Inner Child A Simple Love Why the Plight of Animals Is the Single Most Important Issue Facing You Today Love Was Born at Christmas Awakening From Cognitive Dissonance Giving Thanks Kindness What Will Future Generations Think? We Are One Imagine Awakening to True Nature A Prayer Inspired by Saint Francis
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Facebook Page
How I Am the Message: Forgotten Teachings of Charles Fillmore Class
How I Am the Message: Forgotten Teachings of Charles Fillmore Booklet How Our Relationship with Animals Connects to Universal Love, Spiritual Development and World Peace
Personal Challenges Finding my voice No one really wants to hear my message Finding the right balance Need to hold a lot of projections Living as an abolitionist among all my friends who are active participants
Plans Expand social media presence Table at conferences (spiritual and animal rights) Lead workshops Speaking opportunities Write books 40-day Devotional for person who is awakening and in need of spiritual support Why the Plight of Animals Is the Single Most Important Issue Facing You Today