Alfred Hitchcock A Biography
Content Background information His career Hitchcock first job Hitchcock gets into cinematography Themes and motifs What he is known for Awards Work cited
Background information He was born in august 13, 1899 in Leytonstone, England. He was brought up as a Roman Catholic and went to Salesian College and Jesuit classical school St. Ignatius College in Stanford Hill London. He was often described as a lonely and had a sheltered childhood.
Background information con’t According to Hitchcock around the age of five he was sent by his father to the local police station with a note asking the officer to lock him away for five minutes for behaving badly. This implanted a life time fear of policemen in Hitchcock.
His career Hitchcock’s first job He started to emerge as an artist when he was at Henley Telegraph. Hitchcock submits short articles and eventually became one of the most productive contributors . His first literary piece was ‘’ Gas’’ (1919) Later on he becomes a title card designer
His career con’t Hitchcock gets into cinematography Hitchcock becomes intrigued by photography and started working in film production in London, working as a title card designer for London branch of what would become Paramount Pictures. He was influenced by German Expressionist films like F.W Murnau’s The Last Laugh(1924) and Fritz Lang's Destiny(1921).
His career con’t Number 13 (1922)
His career con’t In 1929 Hitchcock began to work on ‘’blackmail’’ , while the film was still in production the studio British international picture (BIP) decided to convert it to sound. The film is often cited by film historians as a landmark film and considered to be the first British sound feature film.
His career con’t The 39 Steps (1935)is considered one of the best films from his early period. This film was the first to introduce the ‘’ MacGuffin’’ element.
His career con’t Hitchcock moved to Hollywood in 1939. Suspicion’ (1941) marked Hitchcock's first film as a producer as well as director. One of his many film noirs
His Career con’t Shadow of a Doubt (1943). Hitchcock’s personal favorite of all time. It showcases his personal fascination with the crime and the criminals.
His career con’t In the 1946 ‘’ Notorious’’ starred Hitchcock regular Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant. The plot involves the Nazis and South America. American spy thriller film.
Rear Window (1954) James Stewart and Grace Kelly in Rear Window (1954)
Vertigo (1958) Considered a late edition to film noir Vertigo (1958) starring James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel. The film contains a camera technique developed by Irmin Robert that has been copied many times wherein the image appears to ‘’stretch’’. This is achieved by tracking out and zooming in simultaneously. Known as Dolly Zoom, or the Hitchcock zoom or the Vertigo shot
Psycho (1960) Psycho (1960)- Hitchcock's best known film. Possibly the first ever shot of??? It broke box-office records in Japan, China and the rest of Asia, Britain, France, Canada and the united States.
The Birds (1963) A wealthy San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people. "Proving once again that build-up is the key to suspense, Hitchcock successfully turned birds into some of the most terrifying villains in horror history.“ David Thomson
His career con’t Family Plot (1976) was the Hitchcock's last film. It was a dark comedy/thriller film.
Themes and motifs Hitchcock was the master of suspense. Emasculated men Social order/ class differences/ status doubling, Doppelgangers, twins Confined spaces Exhibitionism / voyeurism / the look Guilt and confession Heights and falling Disorientation female beauty / male power (or loss of) Psychology of characters Cars/ travelling
What he was known for known for engaging the audience with suspense, accusing the wrong man of a crime and portraying fear of authority. he used bizarre camera angles. he also portrayed villains as charming. Voyeurism, spying Psychological undertones
Awards Alfred Hitchcock received two Golden Globes and eight Laurel awards. He was also nominated five times for best director at The Oscars. He never won.
Work cited Leff, Leonard J: The Rich and Strange Collaboration of Alfred Hitchcock and David O. Selznick in Hollywood. University of California Press, 1999 Leitch, Thomas: The Encyclopedia of Alfred Hitchcock (ISBN 978-0-8160-4387-3). Checkmark Books, 2002. A single-volume encyclopaedia of all things about Alfred Hitchcock. McGilligan, Patrick: Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light. Regan Books, 2003. A comprehensive biography of the director. Genter, Robert. "“We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes”: Alfred Hitchcock, American Psychoanalysis, And The Construction Of The Cold War Psychopath." Canadian Review Of American Studies 40.2 (2010): 133-162. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Sept. 2013.