Demonstration Against The Bullfight !! OUR FIGHT: BULLFIGHT !! 3rd July, 2011 !!
La Plaza De las Ventas In Madrid. It can contain 23 798 person ! Many Bullfights in this place !
Why ? It’s inhuman to kill animals to have fun. The bull suffers. The bull is excited for the pleasure of people. The bull’s death is a show.
How? First step We launch an appeal on TV, on the Internet, and on the radio in order to have many supporters !
Second step: The sit-in A sit-in with people who are skewered with pikes. We will be on La Plaza De las Ventas in Madrid, in order to provoke confusion, with the intention of making ourselves heard around the world.
Our leader Quentin
Our support ! Religious support: Dalaï Lama
Our message !!! OUR FIGHT : BULLFIGHT !