Key Question: Who should be allowed into the UK? Migration into the UK Key Question: Who should be allowed into the UK?
To decide on individual applications to live in the UK. Learning Objectives: To understand both the Uks need for people and the needs of people wanting to live here. To decide on individual applications to live in the UK.
STARTER Get into groups of 6. Assign roles: Millionaire Teacher Farmer Doctor Footballer Builder The hot air balloon you are all in is sinking. Vote one person each round to be thrown out! You get one sentence to save yourself each round. Who are the final two?
Main Task The Government has to decide not who to throw out of the UK, but who to let in. Here are four application forms to come and live in the UK. Look at each carefully and decide who you will allow into the UK and why.
Your Task Write a report about the decisions you have reached, using the assessment sheet to remind you about the reasons for your decision.
Plenary Representatives from each group report to the class on the decision you reached. As a class who gets the most votes to be allowed into the UK?