Meirong SUI 1 ;Ping GONG 1 ;Xiuquan GU 2 ; Review on one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures for electron field emitters Meirong SUI 1 ;Ping GONG 1 ;Xiuquan GU 2 ; 1. School of Medical Image, Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou 221004, China ; 2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China ; Fig.22 SEM images of ZnO nanofibers. a Zinc acetate polyvinyl alcohol composite fibers with 50 wt% of zinc acetate; b calcined at 500°C for 6 h; c calcined at 500°C for 8 h; d calcined at 500°C for 10 h. Adapted from: Wu and Pan 2006 [ 112 ] Frontiers of Optoelectronics,2013,6(4),386-412. Doi:10.1007/s12200-013-0357-3