The Affects that Social Media Has on Woman and there body image.
INTRODUCTION For my final major project I intend to explore how social media can affect woman and there body image. I plan to gather a great form of research to build up my case study to then be able to show this in a visual formation by creating a campaign poster and leaflet
Context & Audience My Target audience for this body of work is woman and young teenage girls. The problems that I intend to deal with are the question of How social media affects woman and there body image. I will look into different ways of the affects it has on woman from cosmetic surgery and also eating disorders. Look into artists that use body image as there context as well as people who have made campaigns on body image.
Research sources Web pages Youtube videos Online articles For my visual side of research I will look through images on the internet and different artists that have focused on body image in there artwork.
Learning Methodology I will gain my ideas from the research of the problems that Social media has on a woman and her body image. The first stages of my research will be on cosmetic surgery and eating disorders and then move onto looking at picture editing.
Work for assessment Large amount of research Being able to adapt to different visual medias Being able to get a message across