Credits in the ‘European Level 5 Area’ Hans Daale CHAIN5
Introduction Leido CHAIN5 EL5A Theme of this presentation Aim of this session
First of all… Talking about ‘credits’… but what do we mean by ‘credits’? Some definitions (in VET / HE / international) And a problem that The Netherlands is facing in Higher Education How to use credits – seen from different perspectives – and looking at developments A simple solution?
Using credits in VET and HE – and level 5 ECVET and ECTS – and cross-overs Permeability: scenarios for learning pathways needed Why is level 5 so important for permeability Need for differentiation at level 5 – based on the needs of the labour market (leading principle)
Role of the providers ECVET as element in QA-systems for education – in the future… ‘Level 5 credits’ needed – based on learning outcomes – for more flexibility
Development: Apprenticeships 2.0 Credit = an educational instrument Consequences for work-based learning and involvement in level 5 New: focus on ‘apprenticeships’ and level 5 (VET and HE – and other qualifications) Agreements between VET and HE, about instruments, like credits (where relevant)
Why having those discussions now? May 2018, Paris: Ministerial Conference EHEA (Bologna) Preparation: Seminars / Conferences / Vocational Skills Week Higher VET: priority in 2018 for the European Commission Next steps to be taken for the EQF for LLL Looking for opportunities to have a credit system for the European Level 5 Area (discussion in June 2018, in Dublin – 10th Anniversary of the EQF) Based on ects (school)… usable for WBL… looking at learning outcomes (company)
Questions for a discussion Interests of the stakeholders: what, how and why? Systems without a formal level 5: how to deal with such a situation?
What are the consequences for permeability and flexibility? What about the role of Higher Education?
Theory and Practice: how to deal with them? Plans, ideas, new initiatives… - how to reach our goals?
Networking… Cyprus and our networks
Contact Hans Daale – (Dutch) (English)