Assessment Grades you may be used to GCSE Grades Primary School Assessment Previous GCSE Grades The Grade your Child will get A** 9 A* 8 A 7 B 6 C 5 D 4 E 3 F 2 G/U 1 Primary School Assessment The Grade your Child will get Working towards Developing (-) Working at Secure (=) Working above Extending (+)
How we generate Attainment Grades We take the raw scores from KS2 National Curriculum tests This becomes an Attainment Grade 1 – 9 Your son/daughter will be given a target to aim for by the end of the year This will continue from Y7 through to Y11
Key dates Week beginning 31st Oct (the week after half term): classroom tests on each subject area. Revision packs will be given to students 2 weeks before. Friday 16th Dec: Academic Review Day, appointments made with form tutor, results of Oct/Nov tests given to parents Week beginning 23rd Jan: teacher assessments of classwork and how students are progressing. A brief report will be sent to parents with this information in February. Week beginning 1st May: full examinations in the Main Hall/Sports Hall. Revision packs will be given to students at the end of March. Thursday 15th June: Parents Evening 3.45pm until 6.45pm. Results from main examinations, plus overview of progress across the year with subject teachers.
College contacts for Year 7 Form Tutor: this would be your most likely first contact should you have any information or concerns in general regarding your child. Mr/Ms . . . . . . . . . . . Class Teacher: you may wish to contact a subject teacher if the information or question you have is related directly to a subject area. Progress Manager: Mr Abernethy would be the main person to contact in any other instances. Miss Porter (Assistant Headteacher) and Mrs McAlister (Deputy Head) are the senior staff attached to the Year 7 team
Further contact A drop in facility is also run by the Y7 team on Friday mornings, available for any parents wishing to have a brief conversation. There is also a facility to contact the college at all time through Student Services Please feel free to contact the college by telephone, e mail ( or by using the website “contact” facility