SL2/CSL2 – Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership Tutor Resource Unit 4 - Lead sport/physical activity sessions linked with the centre Unit 5 - Lead sport/physical activity sessions in the community
Unit 4 and Unit 5 You will complete Unit 4 or Unit 5. The tutored content is the same for both units. Unit 4 – on completion of this section you will be able to: Lead sport/physical activity sessions linked with the centre To provide evidence of this you must complete Task 4.1 – Leadership Log Unit 5 – on completion of this section you will be able to: Lead sport/physical activity sessions in the community To provide evidence of this you must complete Task 5.1 – Leadership Log
Opportunities to lead within the centre Sports Leaders UK define leadership with the centre as: Within the Centre (if a school or other education organisation), or with the immediate community (for example, with a primary school). Consider and discuss: What does it mean to “lead activities in the centre”? What groups would class as linked with the centre? What leadership opportunities are there available linked to the centre?
Opportunities to lead within the centre Opportunities could include: Lunchtime clubs After school clubs Leading primary school pupils Leading staff within the centre Leading peers within tutor lessons/sessions
Opportunities to lead in the community Sports Leaders UK define leadership in the community as: Within the Centre (if a school or other education organisation), or with the immediate community (for example, with a primary school). Consider and discuss: What does it mean to “lead activities in the community”? What groups would class as linked with the community? What leadership opportunities are there available linked to the community?
Opportunities to lead within the community Opportunities could include: Leading sessions for a local club Organising events Leading voluntary groups (e.g. Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies) Special regional events Taster sessions Holiday schemes / clubs
Demonstration of leadership requirements Activity – 10 hours demonstration of leadership To successfully complete this course you need to complete a minimum of 10 hours demonstration of leadership either: Within the centre – this will give you the Level 2 Qualification in Sports Leadership or in the community – this will give you the Level 2 Qualification in Community Sports Leadership You must log all your hours on the Leadership Log in the LER If your Tutor is not present you must have an Independent Witness to sign off the hours within the log – this person could be the person who is ultimately responsible for the group you are leading (e.g. the manager of a sports team) Return you completed Leadership Log to your Tutor/Assessor
End of Unit 4 and Unit 5 Recap A quick reminder of the Learning Outcomes in this unit: You should now: Lead sport/physical activity sessions linked with the centre Lead sport/physical activity sessions in the community