Faced with this scenario what would you do Faced with this scenario what would you do? Would you pick up the child, take the photo or perhaps do both. What feelings does this image evoke? Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer Prize photograph with this photograph however it also received severe criticism with some people feeling it was unethical to photograph suffering. The argument presented for talking the photograph is that it represented a Metaphor for Africa’s despair – The Vulture being seen as Western Society. What does this photo say to you? Describe in one sentence what emotions this image invokes. In March 1993 photographer Kevin Carter took this photo in the Southern Sudan. The photograph appeared in the New York Times and was seen as a metaphor for Africa’s despair. Carter won the Pulitzer Prize for this photograph but came under heavy criticism when some people suggested that he may as well have been the predator. Haunted by the questions and the unknown girls fate Carter committed suicide 6 months after he took the photo. Although no direct link can be made friends suggested that after taking the photograph he became depressed. This is now an iconic photograph. What does it say to you – take couple of minutes to think about the potency of the photo – are we in Western society removed from feeling or seeing this image for what it is. If you came across this scene what would you do? In the same situation would you pick up the child or take the photo?
What are the key messages from this epilogue to David Attenburghs most recent TV series ‘Africa’ Coexistence of humans and animals – one planet – changes are coming – what we do and the choices we make have a much wider impact – we are not separate from our environment nor from the people in it. There interrelationships at play across the whole planet and understanding these is part of understanding how to make the future a place where our ancestors can still exist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_ojUOgqXVw
What is Sustainable Development? “Sustainable Development can be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” World Commission on Environment and Development , 1987 What Sustainable Development means to me… SD is more than merely taking care of our environment for the future. It is about being socially aware, economically aware and wanting a just and fair society for all Spend five minutes and write down your own definition of sustainable development – what does it mean to you
Are special populations Sustainable? Who determines what a special population is? Why do we single out individual groups for special treatment? If we separate out different groups for special treatment is this the right thing to do? How does all of this link to issues of creating sustainable future? With reductions in government spending is the support for these groups going to disappear? Special Populations is a module specific to the sports course that this presentation was aimed at.
Why is it important to see embrace change? What do see when you look at the map? How does this map make you feel? Ideas become naturalised by familiarity with everyday images and objects? How do we get people to challenge familiarity? What identifies a special population today may be different in the future – we always need to embrace change in a reasoned and rationalised fashion
What is Education for Sustainable Development? Education can be seen as the change agent to develop a sustainable future Rio+ 20 ‘THE FUTURE WE WANT’ Education can be used as a vehicle to raise awareness and generate action that leads to a sustainable future Mission Statement – ‘ESD Canada will promote a Canadian culture of sustainability by developing and strengthening collaboration and leadership in education and training’ The educational environment can act as an exemplar of good practice in relation to SD Educating for a sustainable future should be a priority for all Take five minutes and write down your understanding of Education for Sustainable Development
Sustainability and You If you had to describe yourself in terms of your own commitment to sustainable development on a scale of 1-10, where would you be? If you had to describe how your academic studies lead to a sustainable future on a scale of 1-10, where would you be? If you had to describe how you feel you contribute to a sustainable future on a scale of 1- 10, where would you be? Do you believe you can make a difference? Tick the statement or statements that reflect how you feel about sustainability?
Sustainability and You - the future If you could make one change to your personal life that reflects the concepts and principles of sustainable development – what would it be and why? If you could make one change to your course that reflects the concepts and principles of sustainable development – what would it be and why? Write down two new special population groups that you see emerging in the next 10 years? Write down what you think will be the biggest issue that special populations will face in 10 years time? REFLECTING ON THE ACTIVITY WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED THINK ABOUT HOW YOU COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE NO MATTER HOW SMALL. WRITE A QUICK STATEMENT ON THE BACK OF ONE OF THE POSTCARDS ALONG WITH YOUR COLLEGE EMAIL ADDRESSS
Does your Personal perspective inform the decisions you make as a student? Everyone select ONE postcard Look at the image – what DO you see? Is there anything familiar about the image? Is there anything uncomfortable about the image? IN GROUPS OF TWO USE THE LINK WORDS TO MAKE A STATEMENT ABOUT THE IMAGE ON EACH POSTCARD – BE PREPRARED TO TELL THE STORY I have run a workshop with the SMT at Truro and Penwith College You may well ask how did this go? Did I have any success? Results – ESD has been embedded in the Teaching and Improvement Handbook for teaching staff – start small and keep adding in where we can New Sustainability cross College group has emerged I teach ESD to Trainee teachers
Where are we heading? Image copyright: John Lund in Murray P, 2011 What does this image tell you? Would you see this image as a metaphor for the 21st century? Image copyright: John Lund in Murray P, 2011
Concluding activity What postcard did you choose? What story did it tell? Can you contribute to the story or make a difference? As a result of this workshop what are you going to change and why?