Today is Tuesday, December 3, 2013 HOMEWORK: READ CHAPTER 10, LESSONS 1 AND 2 …………………………………………………………………. Warm UP: In table groups, discuss and classify the following natural resources as either “RENEWABLE” (more can be made), or “NON-RENEWABLE” (more cannot be made in a sufficiently short amount of time)…………………………............................................... clean fresh water, oil & natural gas, coal, minerals, nuclear power, wind power, geothermal power, hydroelectric power, soil & land, solar, biomass power
Warm Up Answers Nonrenewable resources - clean fresh water (depends), oil & natural gas, coal, minerals, soil & land (depends – generally renewable) Renewable resources – clean fresh water (depends) nuclear, air, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, soil & land (depends), solar, biomass
Helping us reach our Standard…. Goal for Today SWBAT demonstrate the ability recognize the costs and risks of nonrenewable natural resources by discussing the advantages and disadvantages they pose to society and the environment. Helping us reach our Standard…. 5-ESS3-1 Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.
What is a…… Resource: A supply that will meet a need for materials or energy Renewable resource A resource that can be replaced in a reasonable amount of time Nonrenewable resource A resource that can’t be replaced at all or can’t be replaced as fast as we use it (may take millions of years to be replaced like fossil fuels)
Coal Forms from layers of dead plants building on one another in a swampy area. In the right conditions, it becomes peat. Peat hardens into coal.
Well, well, well….. What do we have here????
Crude oil and natural gas Come from layers of tiny sea organisms building on one another Gasoline, diesel fuel and other fuels come from crude oil Used to make asphalt, plastic, industrial greases, and wax Natural gas = used for cooking; Bangladesh
Fossil fuels Resources made from the remains of organisms Natural gas is usually found near crude oil deposits Oil and natural gas usually need to be drilled and transferred by large pipelines and stored until needed. All of these are burned for energy. Burningheats watercreates steamturn turbines for electricity Advantages – easy to store and move, large amounts Disadvantage – limited supply, air pollution, oil spills
Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill Prince-William Sound, Alaska 1989
Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Explosion Gulf of Mexico, United States April, 2010
Shrimp boats equipped with booms collect oil in Chandeleur Sound, La Shrimp boats equipped with booms collect oil in Chandeleur Sound, La., on May 5.
An oil-soaked bird struggles against the side of an Iron Horse supply vessel at the site of the oil spill off Louisiana on May 9.
An aerial view of the northern Chandeleur barrier islands, 20 miles from the main Louisiana coastline, shows sheens of oil reaching land May 6.
Oil swirls in the Gulf of Mexico currents May 6.
A Greenpeace worker collects samples of oil May 19 that washed up along the mouth of the Mississippi River near Venice, La.
An oil-covered dragonfly, stuck to marsh grass, tries to clean itself May 18 in Garden Island Bay near Venice.
Closing it up…. Name one type of non-renewable energy we talked about today and give an advantage and disadvantage of it. Tell your shoulder partner