The Principles of the Constitution


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Presentation transcript:

The Principles of the Constitution Ms. Ha

I. The U.S. Constitution A. Supreme Law of the Land 1. Highest Form 2. United States

II. Basic Outline: Constitution A. Basic principles for which U.S. was built and operates by 1. Federal Government laid out 2. How leaders are selected 3. Procedures to perform their jobs

B. Framers kept it short on purpose 1. Helps in duration 2. Three parts a) Preamble: introduction b) Articles: seven c) Amendments: 27

3. Article One a) Legislative Branch b) Makes the laws

4. Article Two a. Executive Branch b. Enforces the laws

5. Article Three a. Judicial Branch b. Interprets the laws

6. Article Four a. States and their relationship with the National Government

7. Article Five a. Explains how formal Amendments can be added to the Constitution

8. Article Six a. States the U.S. Constitution is the nation’s supreme law

9. Article Seven a. Provided for the ratification of the U.S. Constitution

III. Six Principles A. Constitution is built around six principles

1. Popular Sovereignty A. Political power rests with the people 1) People are the ONLY source for power 2) Government can only govern with the consent (agreement) of the people “We the People”……..

2. Limited Government A. No government is all-powerful 1) Do ONLY what the people want 2) Government must obey the law 3) Constitutionalism: gov. conducted according to constitutional principles 4) Known as the “rule of law”

3. Separation of Powers 1. Power is distributed among three branches a) Legislative b) Executive c) Judicial

4. Checks and Balances A. Three branches are “tied” together 1. Subject to checks or restraints 2. This system operates all the time

5. Judicial Review A. Power of the court to determine the constitutionality of a governmental action 1. Can declare laws illegal, null and void 2. Federal courts hold these powers

6. Federalism A. Federal Government and States 1. Power is split 2. Federalism: division of power among the central government.