Types of Weathering Ms. Steele
Demo 1 1 out of 2 types of weathering What happened? What is mechanical weathering? Physical breakdown of rocks into smaller rocks without changing their chemical composition What are some other things that may cause mechanical weathering?
Demo 2 What is chemical weathering? A rock is broken down by changings it chemical composition Part or all of the rock will disappear What will happen when I place it in water? Carbonate rocks act the same way when exposed to carbonic acid
Lab Time! Wear your safety goggles the entire lab You will be working with your groups Let’s go over the procedures as a class!
Mechanical Weathering Station What happened when you shook the jar vigorously? What changed? What does this tell you about physical weathering?
Chemical Weathering Station What happened? Did anything change after 5 minutes? Was there any sediment created by the shaking?
Physical Weathering Disintegration of rock The rock retains the same characteristics of the original material Heat, cold Plants, animals Abrasion Frost-wedging Exfoliation Root wedging
Chemical Weathering Process whereby the rock’s internal structure is altered by removing or adding elements A process in which chemicals cause a breakdown of rock Plant acids Lichen Acid rain Carbonic acid
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