Movies, Jobs, and Elections Galore! 12th Edition PRA Playbook October Movies, Jobs, and Elections Galore! Brought to you by: Victoria Kraemer, Mandy Keeney, & Emily Karr
in RC 1 Seminar Room 5-7pm Weekdays 12th Edition Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thr. Fri. Sat. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1. Writing Center in RC 1 Seminar Room 5-7pm Weekdays Last Day to RSVP for Etiquette Dinner Interview S.T.A.R. 5pm Star Trek Beyond 8-10:30pm Premium Night @ TJ Presidential Debate International Student Job Search Etiquette Dinner 5pm-7pm Cookie Decorating 11am-1pm Job Offers 5pm Demetri Martin 8-10:30pm Your Region Dinner Mental Health Screenings Grocery Shopping 4 One Finding Dory 8-10pm Presidential Debate Watch Party The Purge: Election Year 8-10:30pm Miner Chef 4 pm
Programs done but us or other organizations 12th Edition Programs and Events Programs done but us or other organizations Grocery Shopping 4 One October 19th 3:30pm-4:30pm Meet at Kroger RSVP at Presidential Debate Watch Party October 19th Candy and Discussions More Info to Come! Miner Chef: Battle of the Complexes! Feel Free to Come Watch! November 2nd at 4pm Sign Up with
Demetri Martin will be at Gale Bullman! 12th Edition SUB Cookie Decorating October 12th 11am-1pm Havener Atrium Star Trek Beyond October 7th 8-10:30pm Toomey 199 SUB Laughfest Featuring Demetri Martin October 14th 8-10:30pm Finding Dory October 21st 8-10pm The Purge: Election Year October 28th 8-10:30pm Great Movies Showing all Semester for FREE Demetri Martin will be at Gale Bullman!
Offers Free Suit Closet and More! Offices Located Norwood 3rd Floor 12th edition COER Offers Free Suit Closet and More! Interview S.T.A.R. 305 Norwood October 6th 5pm International Student Job Search 305 Norwood October 10th 5pm Etiquette Dinner Sign up at St. Pat’s A&B October 11th 5-7 pm Job Offers: Negotiation & Navigation 305 Norwood October 13th 5pm Offices Located Norwood 3rd Floor
Offices Located Norwood 2rd Floor 12th edition CDSW Mental Health Screening Wednesday October 19th 11am-1pm Havener Center Every 4th Friday Relaxation Days! Offices Located Norwood 2rd Floor
Offices Located in Havener by the Elevators 12th edition S&T Dining Halal Lunch At “The Kitchen” in Havener Every Monday 11am-2pm Themed Thursday Lunches Havener Food Court Every Thursday 11am-2pm Premium Night @ TJ October 12th 4:45pm - 7pm Your World Dinner @ Tj October 5th 4:45pm - 7pm Your Region Dinner @ TJ October 19th 4:45pm-7pm Offices Located in Havener by the Elevators Good to contact for questions about food allergies!
Did you know Residential Life owns the tallest building in Rolla? 12th edition Missouri S&T Fun Fact Did you know Residential Life owns the tallest building in Rolla? Thomas Jefferson Hall, with the 11 floor South Tower, is the tallest building within City Limits!