Jobs that are disappearing but still needed. Nicole Kucner
Carpentry - what is it? Carpentry is a job that is disappearing but still needed. It is an art of building wooden houses and other buildings.
What must a carpenter have? Carpenter must have a lot of strength. Carpenter must have patience. Carpenter must have a good team. Carpenter must have spatial intelligence and manual skills Carpenter must be practical , accurate and healthy
How much money do carpenters earn? In Poland carpenters earn about 3400PLN pre-tax. After deducting dueses and taxes the earnings are about 2435 PLN.
Carpenters have a lot of satisfaction when they build wooden houses Carpenters have a lot of satisfaction when they build wooden houses. They can use "the soul of the artist". Wooden houses are a real work of art.
Nowadays, lots of buildings are made of wood and they serve people as houses.