Problem question and hypothesis Science Fair Problem question and hypothesis
Problem question Your problem question should be written in the form of a question. Your problem question should focus on the overall purpose of your experiment. Your problem question does not have to be your title.
Background Research Background research is needed so that you know how to design and understand your experiment. Your background research paper discusses/explains the different aspects of your project. Identify key words related to your project. Ask “What science concepts should I study in order to better understand my project?” Generate questions from the key words you identified. Research any mathematical formulas or equations you will need to analyze your data. Include research on the history of similar experiments or inventions.
Hypothesis Your hypothesis should be written in the “If…then…because…” format.
Ex. If different salt concentrations are used to grow bean plants, then the bean plants with the lowest concentration of salt will grow the tallest because salt dehydrates plants and higher concentrations of salt will dehydrate the plant quicker and keep it from growing.
If ants, worms and pill bugs are used to produce compost, then worms will produce the best compost because worms digest food materials faster than other organisms.
You try it! Write your problem question and hypothesis in your science fair notebook.