MESMA: for sustainable use of European seas and coastal areas EU FP7 project 2009-2013
Aim of MESMA Produce integrated management tools (concepts, models and guidelines) for designation, monitoring, evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas (SMAs). The main tasks of MESMA are information analysis, the development of a generic framework, the testing and evaluation of this framework through case-studies and the development of a toolbox. All these actions are tackled in different work packages (WPs) Note: The logo (3 different shapes together) represent the joined elements (single shapes in previous three different slides)
WP5: Data management data-management and geo-informatics is crucial to MESMA development of structure to combine data Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery) D5.1 Internal meta-database tools, data access portals, data inventory, open access database. (M12) D5.2 Report with review and recommendations for system design, data types and availability (M 14) D5.3 Data model and ontologies (M 36) D5.4 GIS integrated map products and meta-database and geographic information database (M38) D5.5 Project interconnected databases (internal, external, centralised and distributed) (M.40) D5.6 Manual containing guidance, system evaluation and recommendations for best practice (M.48) The partners of MESMA. Note for speaker: you can make a copy of your own logo and paste it on the front page.