Unit 5 Review An Age of Revolutions: The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, Political Revolutions, Reaction Against Revolutionary Ideas, Global Nationalism, Economic and Social Revolutions, Japan and the Meiji Restoration and Imperialism
Unit 5, Section 1 – The Scientific Revolution 1500s: people began to think differently about the universe. Copernicus suggested that the universe was heliocentric (sun- centered). Before that, people thought the universe was geocentric (earth-centered). Galileo was a scientist who supported him. Isaac Newton used mathematics to prove this theory. Scientific method: A new way of thinking about science that relied on experimentation and observation (still used today!)
Unit 5, Section 1 – The Enlightenment **inspired by the Scientific Revolution!** - a time when people supported a belief in human reason. People to use reason to discover natural laws, or laws that govern human behavior. Impact: some monarchs, called ENLIGHTENED despots, accepted ideas and used them to change society. The Enlightenment caused democracy and nationalism to grow.
Unit 5, Section 2 – The French Revolution
Unit 5, Section 2 – The French Revolution The king calls a meeting of the Estates General to meet to discuss taxes. This is made up of all three estates. The third estate declared itself the National Assembly and says it will write a new constitution of France. Members of the 3rd estate storm the Bastille, a prison. Fighting breaks out everywhere. People are afraid, so this is called the Great Fear.
Unit 5, Section 2 – The French Revolution The National Assembly writes the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, which has many Enlightenment ideas and gives people rights. Based on American constitution. Radicals led by Robespierre take power. They execute the king and many other people they accuse of being against the revolution, using the guillotine to cut off people’s heads. This is called the Reign of Terror. A 5-man Directory takes power. The government was very weak. People wanted a STRONG RULER again. A military leader, Napoleon, steps in.
Unit 5, Section 2 – Political Revolutions Napoleon in Power Napoleon overthrew the Directory, and declares himself Emperor. Good things he did: Built up the economy. Built new roads/canals. Improved the school system. The Napoleonic Code – a set of laws that included many Enlightenment ideas. Napoleon established an empire and conquered much of Europe. Napoleon lost power when he was defeated in Russia. He invaded without enough supplies . Napoleon came back for a short time, but was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. He was exiled (kicked out of France).
Unit 5, Section 2 – Political Revolutions **Effects of the French Revolution… it inspired revolutions in other places!! (Especially Latin America)** Simon Bolivar led resistance (independence) movements in South American against the Spanish. Toussaint L’Ouverture led a revolt in Haiti against the French to gain independence. Jose de San Martin defeated the Spanish in Argentina and Chile. **After independence, Latin American countries experienced many social, political, and economic problems. **
Unit 5, Section 3 – Reaction Against Revolutionary Ideas and Nationalism Congress of Vienna In 1814, leaders from Europe met at the Congress of Vienna to devise a peace settlement. IT WAS A REACTION TO THE EVENTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. European CONSERVATIVE leaders wanted to go BACK to how things were before the French Revolution (absolute monarchs) Everyone agreed that no one country should have too much power. Result: Peace maintained in Europe for 100 years. Many countries did not like going BACK to the way things were before the French Revolution and had their own revolutions (France, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Germany). In Russia, the czars refused to make democratic changes. The policy of Russification aimed to unify the ethnic groups of Russia and maintain tight control over people. Russia added lands and became the largest and most diverse empire in Europe/Asia. B = Balance of Power A = A new map of Europe C = Congress of Vienna would solve these problems K = Kings brought back (NO DEMOCRACY!)
Unit 5, Section 3 – Reaction Against Revolutionary Ideas and Nationalism Unification Movements in Europe Italy: Kingdoms of Italy were divided. People wanted to be reunited. Three leaders: Mazzini, di Cavour, and Garibaldi. The Red Shirts were a group of people who fought for unification. Germany: Early-mid 1800s: Prussia controlled small German states. People felt NATIONALISM and wanted to be united. Otto von Bismarck believed that Germany could be united through “Blood and Iron” (war). Germany united in 1871. Nationalism was also a force that split up the diverse Austrian and Ottoman empires.
Unit 5, Section 4 – Economic and Social Revolutions CAUSES OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AGRARIAN REVOLUTION Use fertilizer to improve soil, Seed drill invented, BETTER FOOD PRODUCTION People eat better, healthier babies, better medical care slows death rate = POPULATION EXPLOSION, MORE DEMAND FOR GOODS Energy revolution Water wheels to power machines, coal used for steam engine = GOODS PRODUCED FASTER INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The Industrial Revolution began in Britain because it had natural resources (coal and iron ore), growth in population, capital for investment, and energy and technology. Goods were mass produced in factories.
Unit 5, Section 4 – The Industrial Revolution Effects of the Industrial Revolution Working conditions – very poor, long hours, dirty, no benefits Many people move to cities – urbanization Child labor New class structure – middle class Improved transportation Roads, canals, steam locomotive invented, steam engines powered ships
Unit 5, Section 4 – The Industrial Revolution
Unit 5, Section 4 – Economic and Social Revolutions Irish Potato Famine Ireland, under British rule, was used to grow crops to ship to Britain. The Irish supported themselves with the potato. In 1845, the potato crop failed. The British continued to ship the other food products out of Ireland and over a million people died of starvation or disease. This is known as the potato famine. Millions of Irish moved to the US or Canada.
Unit 5, Section 5 – Japan and the Meiji Restoration