CAREGIVER BURDEN AMONG CAREGIVERS OF PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA AND LATE ONSET DEPRESSIVE DISORDER AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH PERCEIVED ELDER ABUSE Presenter: Dr Manoj Kumar Bajaj -Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology , Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh Co-Author: Dr Subhash Das- Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh
Dementia and depressive disorder are the two most common disorders in the elderly. Many studies have been done to support that caregivers of dementia patients perceives poor quality of life and high burden of care giving. Similarly, depression in late life may results into perception of high burden in the caregivers of elderly because of similar symptoms manifestation.
Elder abuse is now a days very common and may perceived by elderly because of many illness related factors. Since, there no such studies have been conducted, which compared the perceived burden of care among these conditions of the elderly and its association with the perceived elder abuse.
Aim to assess and compare the perceived burden among the caregivers of persons with dementia and late onset major depression and to find out the association with illness factors.
Methods: The study employed multi-groups control group cross sectional design. Sample consists of 120 participants, recruited into study from the department of psychiatry of Government Medical College, Chandigarh, who are patients and their primary caregivers of the persons diagnosed with Dementia and late onset depression (age 60 years or above) as per WHO ICD 10 criteria, of any gender, from any class and race, excluding the severe medical illnesses
Group 1 consist of sixty (30+30) dementia patients and their caregivers Group 2 consists of sixty (30+30) late onset depressive patients and their caregivers. Tools: Patients were administering Elder Abuse Scale and caregivers were administered Zarit Burden Interview, along with patient’s clinical history and diagnosis. Socio-demographic and clinical information of the patients and caregivers in both the groups was recorded into a socio-demographic and clinical data sheet (prepared for the study). Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyse the data.
Results group N Mean Std. Deviation age dementia 28 68.0714 6.05486 depression 30 65.5667 3.82084 education 5.4286 4.50044 8.8333 5.34392 hmse 15.9643 7.02104 29.7333 1.52978 burden 44.3214 20.12195 18.6000 12.27445 gdrs 9.3667 2.82212 Age caregiver 42.8929 10.40064 43.4333 12.53322 Education caregiver 10.0714 5.08395 11.0667 5.20566
Variables t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference HMSE Equal variances assumed -10.484 56 .000 -13.76905 Equal variances not assumed -10.155 29.392 Burden on Zarit Burden Interview 5.922 25.72143 5.827 44.063 -.736 55.879 .465 -.99524
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