The Crucible by: Arthur Miller
Characterization Reverend Parris – “I have many enemies.” “There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit.” (1131) What can we determine Reverend Parris’s MAIN concern is based on his above statements?
Characterization/Foreshadowing Abigail Williams – “Your name in the town – it is entirely white, is it not?” “There be no blush about my name.” “Goody Proctor is a gossiping liar!” (1132) What is being implied about Abigail’s character?
Characterization Mrs. Putnam – “I’d not call it sick; the Devil’s touch is heavier than sick…Her (Betty’s) soul is taken, surely.” (1133) What type of character does Mrs. Putnam appear to be based on her quick assumptions of witchcraft? Are her assumptions justified?
Motivation Discuss what might motivate the following characters into calling out witchery on people in the village. Mrs. Putnam Mr. Putnam Abigail Williams
Tone How does Abigail’s attitude change when the adults leave the room and she is left alone with Betty, Mercy and Mary Warren? Compare/Contrast Mary Warren to the other girls. Vocabulary: Subservient, Menacingly
Character Relationships Does John Proctor seem to have the same feelings for Abigail that she has for him? What problems might this cause for Proctor, Abigail and each of their families?
Characterization Rebecca Nurse – “There is prodigious danger in seeking loose spirits.” “Pray John, be calm.” (1143) What type of person does Rebecca seem to be based on her above statements and ability to soothe Betty?
Characterization Giles Corey – “I have been six time in court this year” “…he knew I’d break his fingers before he’d set his name to it.” “Aye – and we’ll win too, Putnam – this fool and I.” (1145) What makes Giles Corey a unique character? What purpose might he have within Act I?
External Conflict What conflict does John Proctor have with Reverend Parris? What conflict does Mr. Putnam have with the Nurse’s, Proctor and Giles Corey? What does breaking charity mean?
Characterization Reverend Hale – “We cannot look to superstition…I must tell you all that I shall not proceed unless you are prepared to believe me if I should find no bruise of Hell upon her.” (1149) What is Reverend Hale’s purpose in Salem? Based on the above statement is he an open-minded character?
Motivation What motivates Tituba to confess to witchcraft? What do we learn from Reverend Hale about those who confess to witchcraft versus those who refuse to confess? Does this seem logical? What motivates Abigail to confess? How is her situation different from Tituba’s?