So You Want to Be a Product Owner Pega Consulting
So You Want to Be a Product Owner Agenda Scrum 101 Product Owner level set Product Owner responsibilities Product Owner and the team PMF organization PMF setup PMF use
Scrum Product Owner Focus Scrum Product Owner - Refresher Resource assigned to managing the Product Backlog Primary function is to add, delete, modify and prioritize items on the backlog (user stories). Responsible for adding details to any of the backlog items if the Scrum team requires it. Responsible for calculating the “Return” for each User Story and how it will be realized based on the prioritization of the Product Backlog items. The Product Owner can rely on others to help enter or refine backlog items, but it is the Product Owners responsibility to accept, reject and prioritize.
Scrum Product Owner Activities Current Sprint Assist with design Assist with acceptance tests Monitor progress Receive playbacks Clarify current committed stories Provide playbacks Action feedback from stakeholders Sprint review Future Sprints Identify features for next iteration Conceptual model for future iterations (release planning) DCO sessions Create new stories UI sketches Help write tests High level estimates for next iteration Prioritize stories Sprint planning
Scrum Product Owner Focus 3 + 3 User/Customer/Management PO/SM/Dev Team PO is conduit for stakeholders
Scrum Product Owner Focus
PMF Up until now, stories have been captured outside of PMF PMF Provides Organization Communication / Collaboration Single source of truth
PMF Organization Entities Product Project (Team) Release Product, Goals, Backlog, Epics, Stories, Projects, Sprints, Tasks, Releases Product Goals Backlogs Epics Stories Project (Team) Sprints Stories Tasks Release Backlogs Stories
PMF - HowTo How set up for Census Detailed review & how to interact with PMF Epics User stories Backlogs Pulse Dashboards Reports
PMF – User Stories User story workflow Communicates status of story to all (lists, graphs, charts, etc) new, pending-details, pending-sizing (and resizing), open-ready Typical use New: idea, no details, DCO’d on the fly Pending-details: accepted by PO as viable story – in process of being fleshed out Pending-sizing: PO believes implementable Open-ready: Sized by dev team, accepted as implementable How does this work for Org? Changes?
PMF - Sprints Sprint process During sprint planning, sprint loaded with stories at top of backlog Up to sprint capacity Must be 2 sprints worth of open-ready stories
Scrum 101 – Questions