English/History Important info Topic ART/DT Maths People of the Past


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Presentation transcript:

English/History Important info Topic ART/DT Maths People of the Past Non- Fiction- we will be looking at explanation texts leading to the children producing a text that explains the theories of why and how Stonehenge was built. Fiction-Our book study will be Stig of the Dump. Poetry-Shape Poems Grammar focus: Speech Topic ART/DT Art-We shall be studying cave paintings and producing our own art in this style DT- Children will be making salt dough decorations. Important info PE days will be on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that all kit is in school at all times. I recommend that children have a drinks bottle in school to stay hydrated. Home learning will be set on a Monday and will be due back in on the following Monday. Home learning will be given weekly unless stated otherwise. Details will be on the class website page. Children will also be expected to practise spellings from their spelling suitcases and also practise their maths targets from their maths passports. Maths We shall be looking in depth at number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, time and measurement. Children will be learning a range of methods to calculate ,and be using these to answer word problems. People of the Past Lyburn Class TERM 1 and 2 Mrs Tracie Phipps & Mrs Cathryn Malmberg French We will be learning how to greet people in French. We’ll learn the numbers 1-10 and some classroom vocabulary. Mathletics! Towards the end of last year your children should have been introduced to Mathletics. At the beginning of this term children will receive their log ins and passwords again to enable them to continue accessing this at home. RE In RE this term we shall be exploring what Christians learn from the Creation story. In term 2 we will consider what the Christmas story teaches about the incarnation and the Trinity. PSHE Our topics for PSHE will focus on; Rights , Rules and Responsibilities and Economic wellbeing and financial capability. We will also be discussing online safety. Music In music we shall be exploring Dvorak’s 9th symphony as well as some songs from our music scheme. We shall also be learning the song ‘Lean on me’ and creating our own musical versions including writing our own song lyrics. Science Rocks:- compare and group together different kinds of rock; describe how fossils are made; recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. Forces- magnets and springs Computing This term we shall be learning to write and debug simple computer programs using Scratch.