HOPE BREEDS MOTIVATION INCREASED SURVIVAL RATES “Hope is the bridge between the impossible and the possible” – Joe Bellezzo, SMACC Chicago, june 2015 Cutting edge resuscitation in the community ED For more information go to www.edecmo.org CARES (Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival) - Recovery rate 2010 = 13% - Recovery rate 2014 = 28% BUT of the 50 cases in 2014, only 4 were put on ECMO It’s the intangible effects of ECMO, not the tangible effects, that are making the difference! Patients have a shot; what if this could be an ECMO case? Healthcare providers push harder, are more organised. HOPE BREEDS MOTIVATION Room set up – REMOVE THE CHAOS Use the arterial line Impedence Threshold Device (ITD) Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Mechanical chest compression device INCREASED SURVIVAL RATES 92% of patients in OHCA managed with traditional ACLS do not achieve meaningful, neurologically intact recovery! ACLS + ECMO = →30% meaningful, neurologically intact recovery!