LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory


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Presentation transcript:

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory Starter: What is this an illustrating of? What can you see in the illustration to prove this? Do you think this fits in with most people’s ideas of this place? When do you think this illustration was made? Do you think it accurately reflects the beliefs of that time period? ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of God

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god This vision of hell comes from Hortus deliciarum by Herrad von Landsberg, dated in the 12th Century. Original Christian teaching is that people who did not accept Jesus as their saviour and follow his teachings would be sent to hell after death and punished there for eternity. Many Christians used to believe hell was a physical place but now many believe it to be a situation or state. The idea that hell was a physical place was reinforced through ‘doom paintings’, paintings showing hell as you went into churches to remind the congregation to behave! LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

“…thrown into the lake of fire…” Rev 20:15 ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god How does this video clip show stereotypical views about what hell is like? Underground Physical place Devil takes you Tricked Torture chambers Pain Embarrassment Cave like pit Fires Demons Where did these ideas come from? The Bible does give some descriptions of hell, which some Christians have taken literally. “…thrown into the lake of fire…” Rev 20:15 “gloomy dungeons to be held for judgement” 2 Peter 2:4 “They will throw them into a fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” Matt 13:42 “The smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night.” Rev 14:11 No where in the Bible does it give a detailed description. LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god Hell is a real physical place where you are tormented and tortured for eternity. Hell is a state not a physical place. It is the absence of God in your life. Hell is what you experience on earth through different situations. Hell is an idea that people have made up to scare people into behaving. The authorities invented hell to give people an incentive to live a morally good life and thus avoid hell. E Grade - Which statement best describes your own ideas about hell and why? Explain why someone might disagree with your opinion. C Grade – Explain your own opinion then pick an opinion from above that challenges your opinion and explain why someone might believe that instead. A Grade – Explain your own opinion about hell and then pick two other different statements and explain why someone might hold that belief. Make sure you have a religious and non-religious opinion to discuss. LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god What do you think these paintings are depicting? These are not scenes of hell but rather the Catholic belief of Purgatory LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god Purgatory: Summarised Briefly! The Roman Catholic Church teaches that very few people are ready to go to heaven when they die. Although they have lived a good Christian lives they are still not free from sin. Catholics also teach that good people who haven’t heard of God can still go to heaven via purgatory. When they die these people go to purgatory rather than to heaven. They stay here until their souls are ready for heaven. People who go to purgatory will reach heaven eventually and are not at risk of going to hell! There is a popular belief among Catholics that there is some pain in purgatory and that there is fire to cleanse the soul. They also believe that ‘…the faithful who are still pilgrims on earth are able to help the souls in purgatory by offering prayers in suffrage for them…’ Most non-Catholic Christians do not believe in purgatory and believe there is no mention of it in the Bible, Catholics disagree. Create a flow diagram to show how purgatory works by selecting the most important stages from the text above. There is help on the next slide! LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god Purgatory: Summarised Briefly! The Roman Catholic Church teaches that very few people are ready to go to heaven when they die because they are still not free from sin. Also the people who do not know about God! When they die these people go to purgatory rather than to heaven. Stay there until their souls are ready for heaven. People who go to purgatory will reach heaven eventually. Fire to cleanse the soul. ‘…the faithful who are still pilgrims on earth are able to help the souls in purgatory by offering prayers in suffrage for them…’ Eventually get to heaven! LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of god TRUE OR FALSE? Plenary: Some Christians believe that whether or not you go to heaven or hell depends on faith (whether or not someone is a Christian and believes in God and Jesus). Some Christians believe that it is a matter of works (whether or not someone does good things in their life). Some Christians believe that no-one will go to hell, because God is loving and would not punish anyone eternally. Roman Catholics believe in heaven for the really righteous, hell for the really unrighteous and purgatory (to words towards heaven) for others. ALL ARE TRUE! LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory

LO: To explore the Christian belief in hell and purgatory ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe basic Christian teaching about hell and purgatory  MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain different Christian beliefs about hell and how some of the views have changed over time as well as explain what Catholics believe about purgatory and how this affects their behaviour on earth SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to evaluate religious and non-religious opinions about hell and purgatory explain how roman Catholics believe you can get to heaven without knowledge of God