;';dfrf/Lo ;Gb]z Aim: To understand the foundational truths of the gospel message and how to teach it to children. (Total Time: 1 hour)


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Presentation transcript:

;';dfrf/Lo ;Gb]z Aim: To understand the foundational truths of the gospel message and how to teach it to children. (Total Time: 1 hour)

cjfgfsf] d"No dfGotf xfdL ;';dfrf/nfO{ :ki6tfsf ;fy 3f]if0ff ub{5f}+==== afnaflnsfx?n] ;';dfrf/nfO{ k"0f{ / :ki6;Fu a'em]sf 5g\ egL xfdLn] cg'dfg ug{'x'b}g . afnaflnsfx?nfO{ ;';dfrf/ :ki6 agfpg] u/L k/d]Zj/sf] jrgaf6 xfdLn] ;Totfsf hux? k|:t't ug'{kb{5 . (Slides 2-5: 10 minutes)

cjfgfsf] d"No dfGotf xfdL ;';dfrf/nfO{ :ki6tf / h?/tsf ;fy 3f]if0ff ub{5f}+==== dxfg cf1f -dQL @*M!(_ n] xfdL ;a}nfO{ cGo dflg;x?sf] aLrdf ;';dfrf/ ;'gfpg cfJxfg ub{5 . xfdL c?nfO{ ;';dfrf/ ;'gfpg ;Fw} tof/ x'g'kb{5 .-! kq'; #M!%_/ k/d]Zj/n] k|bfg ug'{x'g] df}sfsf] kmfO{bf -;b'kof]u_ ug'{kb{5 .

afOan cg';f/ ;';dfrf/ ca, efO xf], d}n] ltdLx?nfO{ k|rf/ u/]sf] ;';dfrf/ d ltdLx?nfO{ ofb lbnfpg rfxG5', h'g ;';dfrf/ ltdLx?n] u|x0f u¥of} / h;df ltdLx? l:y/ /xG5f}+ . o; ;';dfrf/åf/f ltdLx?sf] p4f/ ePsf] 5 …. lsgeg] d}n] h] kfPF To;}nfO{ ;a}eGbf d'Vo ljifosf] ?kdf ltdLx?nfO{ ;'lDklbPF cyf{t wd{zf:q cg';f/ pxf xfd|f] kfksf] lglDt dg'{eof], pxfF ufl8g'eof] / kljq wd{zf:q cg';f/ t];|f] lbgdf pxfF k'ghL{ljt kfl/g'eof] . -! sf]l/GyL !%M!–$_ Gospel means “Good News.” The clearest and most concise definition of the gospel in Scripture is found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Ask participants to read this verse aloud with you two times. You might even want use visual aids or hand motions to help them remember verses 3 and 4 (it often helps students to ‘learn’ in different/ physical ways.) You will be repeating this verse each time you talk about the Gospel Wheel.

;';dfrf/Lo rSsf ;';dfrf/ ! sf]l/GyL !%M#,$ Explain that 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 is the central message of the gospel so it is at the center of the wheel. As you learn the Gospel Wheel you will have the group recite each verse aloud to help everyone memorize the main points and the key verses of the gospel message. You will now explain four foundational truths that clarify the gospel message.

cfwf/e"t ;Totf !M k/d]Zj/ k/d]Zj/ dfq Ps / Psdfq ;fFrf] k/d]Zj/ x'g\– x] k/dk|e' k/d]Zj/ tkfO{ ;fFrf] dxfg\ x'g'x'G5 . tkfO{h:t} c? s;}sf] ljifodf xfdLn] slxNo} ;'g]sf 5}gf}+ . tkfO{afx]s c? O{Zj/ 5}g . -@zd"on ^M@@_ k/d]Zj/ ;[li6stf{ x'g'x'G5– cflbdf k/d]Zj/n] :ju{x? / k[YjL ;[hg'eof] .-pTklQ !M!_ k/d]Zj/ dflg;sf] dflns x'g'x'G5– k[YjL / To;df ePsf hf]–hlt 5g\ ;a} k/dk|e'df x'g\ . ;+;f/ / To;df jf; ug{]x? ;a} pxfFs} x'g\ . -ehg;+u|x @$M!_ (Slides 6-8: 7 minutes) Option: invite volunteers to read the Scripture verses aloud for the group.

cfwf/e"t ;Totf !M k/d]Zj/ k/d]Zj/ ;j{zlQmdfg\ / ;j{1fgL x'g'x'G5– xfd||f k/dk|e' dxfg x'g'x'G5, ;j{zlQmdfg / ;j{1fgL x'g'x'G5 . -ehg;+u|x !$&M%_ k/d]Zj/ kljq x'g'x'G5– x], k/dk|e', tkfO{sf] 8/ s;n] dfGb}g< / tkfO{sf] gfpFsf] dlxdf s;n] ub{}g< lsgls tkfO{ dfq kljq x'g'x'G5 . ;a} hfltn] cfP/ tkfO{nfO{ b08jt\ ug{]5g\ lsgeg] tkfO{df wfld{s sfo{x? k|s6 ePsf 5g\ . -k|sfz !%M$_ k/d]Zj/ k|]ldnf] x'g'x'G5– lsgeg] k/d]Zj/n] ;+;f/nfO{ o:tf] k|]d ug'{eof], ls pxfFn] cfkm\gf] Psdfq k'q lbg'eof] , tfls pxfFdfly ljZjf; ug{] sf]xL gfz gxf];, t/ To;n] cgGt hLjg kfcf]; . -o"xGgf #M!^_ Option: invite volunteers to read the Scripture verses aloud for the group.

;';dfrf/Lo rSsf k/d]Zj/ k|]ldnf] x'g'x'G5– lsgeg] k/d]Zj/n] ;+;f/nfO{ o:tf] k|]d ug'{eof], ls pxfFn] cfºgf] Psdfq k'q lbg'eof] , tfls pxfFdfly ljZjf; ug{] sf]xL gfz gxf];, t/ To;n] cgGt hLjg kfcf]; . -o"xGgf #M!^_ k/d]Zj/ o"xGgf #M!^ ;';dfrf/ ! sf]l/GyL !%M#,$ As you advance the slide have the whole group recite the Scripture verses as they appear on the wheel. The new verse will be listed in a text box on the right.

cfwf/e"t ;Totf @M dflg; / kfk k/d]Zj/n] ;[li6 ug'{ePsf] klxnf] k'?if / :qLnfO{ pxfFn] k|]d ug'{ eP tfklg, pxfFsf] cf1fsf] cgf1fsfl/tfsf] nflu b08 lbg] k|lt1f ug'{eof] . clg pxfFn] dflg;nfO{ of] cf1f lbg'eof] . au}rfsf ;j} ?vsf kmn t}n] ;+sf]r gdfgL vfP x'G5 . t/ c;n / v/fasf] 1fg lbg] ?vsf] kmnrfxLFF gvfg' lsgeg] h'g lbg t}n] vfG5;\ tF lgZro g} dg{]5;\ . -pTklQ @M!&_ (Slides 9-14: 10 minutes) Option: invite volunteers to read the Scripture verses aloud for the group.

cfwf/e"t ;Totf @M dflg; / kfk kfksf] -cgf1fsfl/tf_ b08 d[To' xf], k/d]Zj/ / ;+ultaf6 cnu x'g' xf] . cGttM ;a} kfkLx? k/d]Zj/af6 cnu eO{ g/sdf /xg]5g\ . kfksf] Hofnf d[To' xf] -/f]dL ^M@#_ Option: invite volunteers to read the Scripture verses aloud for the group. If there are questions about hell you can refer to Revelation 21:8 “ But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars — they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

cfwf/e"t ;Totf @M dflg; / kfk cfbdn] k/d]Zj/sf] cf1fkfng u/]g . cfbd ;a}sf] lktf ePsf]n] ubf{ ;a}hgf kfk;+u} hlGdPsf 5g\ . To;}n] Pp6f dflg;åf/f ;+;f/df kfk cfof] / kfkaf6 d[To' . o;/L ;a} dflg;n] kfk u/]sf x'gfn] ;a} dflg;df d[To' km}lnof] . -/f]dL %M!@_ ;a}n] kfk u/]sf 5g\ / k/d]Zj/sf] dlxdf/lxt ePsf 5g\ . -/f]dL , #M@#_ k/d]Zj/sf] u|x0f k|fKt ug{ dflg;n] ug{ ;Sg] s]xL klg sfo{ 5}g . -oz}of ^$M^_ To review Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Bible, see Genesis 3:1-7 Isaiah 64:6 - All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

cfwf/e"t ;Totf @M dflg; / kfk t/ k/d]Zj/n] cem} klg cfbd / xJjfnfO{ k|]d ug'{eof] . k/d]Zj/n] Ps lbg ;a} dfgjhfltnfO{ ;hfoaf6 arfpg d'lQmbftf, dl;x k7fpg] k|lt1f ug'{eof] -pTklQ #M!%_ d'lQmbftf rfFlx 5'6\sf/f lbg] jf arfpg] JolQm xf] . God’s words to Satan: Gen 3:15 - And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

cfwf/e"t ;Totf @M dflg; / kfk d'lQmbftf gk7fP;Dd, vf]6 gePsf] kz'sf] aln r9fP/ dflg; k/d]Zj/sxfF cfpg ;SYof] / kfksf] ;f6f]df /ut aufpg' kb{Yof] . -lxa|" (M@@_ kz'sf] /utn] dfgj hfltsf] kfksf] Hofnf ltg{ ;Sb}gYof] -lxa|' !)M#,$_ kfksf] Hofnf rfFlx l;¢ dfgjsf] hLjgn] dfq ltg{ ;SbYof] . t/ ;a} kfk ;lxt hlGdPsfn], ltgLx?nfO{ arfpg] sf]xL lyPg . Heb 9:22 – “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Heb 10:3-4 – “But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins, because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.” Explain that God knew mankind could not save themselves from the punishment of their sin. However, He said that one perfect human could die for them all.

;';dfrf/Lo rSsf lsgeg] ;a}n] kfk u/]sf 5g\ / k/d]Zj/sf] dlxdf /lxt x'g uPsf 5g\ -/f]dL #M@#_ kfksf] Hofnf rfFlx d[To' xf] -/f]dL,^M@#_ k/d]Zj/ o"xGgf #M!^ ;';dfrf/ ! sf]l/GyL !%M#,$ As you advance the slide have the whole group recite the Scripture verses as they appear on the wheel. The new verse will be listed in a text box on the right. dflg; / kfk /f]dL, #M@#,^M@#

cfwf/e"t ;Totf #M o]z" v|Li6 o]z" k/d]Zj/ x'g\ -k/d]Zj/sf] k'q_ To;sf/0f lktf k/d]Zj/df ePsf ;a} ljz]iftfx? pxfF;+u klg p:t} 5g\ . -o"xGgf !)M#)_ dflg;sf] ?kdf k|lt1f ul/Psf] dl;x k/d]Zj/n] ;+;f/df k7fpg'eof] . -n"sf !M@^–#%_ xfd|f] kfksf] Hofnf ltg{ o]z" v|Li6 x'g'ePsf]n] xfd|f] ;f6f]df dg'{eof] . -dQL #M!&_ (Slides 15-17: 8 minutes) John 10:30 – I and the Father are one. Matthew 3:17 – And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

cfwf/e"t ;Totf #M o]z" v|Li6 xfd||f] lglDt dg{ pxfFn] cffgf]] k'q o]z"nfO{ k7fP/ k/d]Zj/n] dxfg\ k|]d k|s6 ug'{eof] . -/f]dL %M*_ xfd|f] nflu o]z"n] ltg'{ePsf] df]n k/d]Zj/n] u|x0f ug'{eof] / pxfFnfO{ d[To' af6 hLljt kfg'{eof] . o]z" k/d]Zj/;+u :ju{df a:g'eof] . -lxa|" !)M!@_ ca dfgj hfltsf] kfksf] Hofnf ltl/Psf]n] ubf{ kz"sf] jlnsf] cfjZostf k/]g . -lxa|" !)M!)_ Hebrews 10:12 - But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. Hebrews 10:10 - And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

;';dfrf/Lo rSsf t/ k/d]Zj/n] xfd|f lglDt pxfFsf] k|]d o;}df b]vfpg'x'G5,ls xfdL kfkL 5Fb} v|Li6 xfd|f lglDt dg{'eof] . -/f]dL %M*_ k/d]Zj/ o"xGgf #M!^ ;';dfrf/ ! sf]l/GyL !%M#,$ qm"; /f]dL %M* As you advance the slide have the whole group recite the Scripture verses as they appear on the wheel. The new verse will be listed in a text box on the right. dflg; / kfk /f]dL #M@#,^M@#

cfwf/e"t ;Totf $M dflg;sf] hjfkm k|e' o]z" v|Li6df ljZjf; ug'{xf]; / tkfO{n] p¢f/ kfpg'x'g]5 . -k|]l/t !^M#!_ lsgeg] cg'u|xaf6 ljZjf;åf/f ltdLx?n] p¢f/ kfPsf 5f} / of] ltdLx? cfkm}af6 xf]Og, of] t k/d]Zj/sf] j/bfg xf], sd{x?åf/f xf]Og, gqtf dflg;n] 3d08 ug{]5 . -Plkml; @M*,(_ htLn] pxfFnfO{ u|x0f u/] / pxf“sf] gfpFdfly ljZjf; u/] pxfFn] ltgLx?nfO{ k/d]Zj/sf] ;Gtfg x'g] clwsf/ lbg'eof] . -o"xGgf !M!@_ (Slides 18-19: 5 minutes)

;';dfrf/Lo rSsf k/d]Zj/ o"xGgf #M!^ o]z" v|Li6df ljZjf; ug'{xf]; / tkfO{n] p¢f/ kfpg'x'g]5 . -k|]l/t,!^M#!_ ;';dfrf/ ! sf]l/GyL !%M#,$ ;Totf k|]l/t !^M#! qm"; /f]dL %M* As you advance the slide have the whole group recite the Scripture verses as they appear on the wheel. The new verse will be listed in a text box on the right. dflg; /f]dL, #M@#,^M@#

;';dfrf/Lo rSsf sfo{ rl/q k/d]Zj/ o"xGgf #M!^ ;';dfrf/ ;Totf ! sf]l/GyL !%M#,$ ;Totf k|]l/t !^M#! qm"; /f]dL %M* (Slides 20-22: 5 minutes) On this final Gospel Wheel slide just state the foundational truths and Scripture references as you advance each point. Then explain how the vertical positions (God and Man) represent the characters in relationship to the gospel. Note the differences and distance between God and Man. Explain that the horizontal positions (Cross and Trust) represent the actions of God and Man in relationship to the gospel. God sent His Son to die on the cross and man needs to place his trust in what Christ did on the cross – the gospel message. dflg; /f]dL, #M@#,^M@#

p4f/ kfpg] ljZjf; rf“lx====== xfd|f] kfksf] Hofnf ltg{ o]z" v|Li6n] qm";df ug'{ePsf] alnbfgdf k"0f{ e/f];f /fVg' xf] . Make sure this is Very clear: Only what Christ did on the cross can save them. There is nothing they can do to ‘win’ God’s approval. It is not even a particular prayer that saves them. It is only their belief in what Jesus did on the cross to save them from their sins. There is nothing wrong with them praying to thank God for sending His Son to save them, as long as they know it is not the prayer that saves them but their belief in Jesus Christ. ;f/f+zdf ========

ltgLx?n] s;}dfly e/f];f ug'{k5{ < afnaflnsfx?nfO{ yfxf x'g'k5{ === ltgLx?n] s;}dfly e/f];f ug'{k5{ < o]z" v|Li6n] snj/L qm";df s] ug'{eof] < p¢f/n] s] NofpFF5 < ltgLx?nfO{ lsg p¢f/ rflxG5 < kfk (Slide 22: 5 minutes) Ask the students these questions as you click on these points: Why do they need to be saved? They are sinners. The punishment for sin is death - separation from God forever and a future in hell. This punishment for sin must be paid. What does salvation bring? Freedom from Satan, sin, and separation from God in hell. What must they trust to be saved? That Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins and conquered death when He rose from the grave. 14a

cffgf] :yfg lng'xf];\ tkfO{sf] k|lzIffyL{ k'l:tsfdf ePsf] vfnL kfgfdf ;';dfrf/ rSsf sf]g]{ sf]l;; ug'{xf];\ / tkfO{sf] glhssf] ;fyLnfO{ atfpg'xf];\ . ;+ultsf] ;dodf ;';dfrf/ k|rf/ ug{ tof/ x'g'xf];\ . (Slide 23: 10 minutes) Encourage the students to practice during their free time so that they are ready to present the gospel using the Gospel Wheel during Team Time. Close with prayer asking God to help participants to use this tool effectively in sharing their faith.