To: Back to School Night Welcome Parents To: Back to School Night 2017-2018 MISSION STATEMENT The Neshaminy community builds futures by empowering each child to become a productive citizen and a lifelong learner.
Physical Education and Health Staff : Brooke Lesser- Department Chair Nafis Taalib-Din Mark Salmi Kate Roode (PE 8th & 7th/ AE) Kimberly Clement (5th grade PE/ Ferderbar Elementary) Please check websites for updates on PE and Health
Participation Students must actively participate in the class activity. Activity enhances physical fitness and is needed in order to improve skills. In some instances this may include written work.
Dress Students are expected to change their clothing for physical education class. Clothing MUST meet the school dress code. Students are to change from their school clothes into gym clothes at the beginning of class and then change back into school clothes at the end of class. The student should wear clothing appropriate for the activity. The clothing must be considered safe to the wearer and all others. This includes NOT wearing jewelry.
Medical Excuses All medical excuses MUST be dropped off for the nurse before Homeroom. Mrs Dempsey will email the PE teachers. You must have a nurse’s excuse to be excused from class. Students with MEDICAL EXCUSES longer than 3 classes will be sent to the library with a writing assignment.
Locks Locks are highly recommended for students to use in physical education class. Students may purchase a lock or bring their own. Students are only to keep the lock on DURING their class. After class students are to remove the lock and all of their belongings. FAILURE TO USE A LOCK MAY RESULT IN THEFT OF YOUR VALUABLES!!!
Safety Student safety is the number one priority students should apply all appropriate safety procedures of the activity. This includes wearing safety equipment, personal safety and the safety of classmates. Any student engaged in unsafe behavior will face disciplinary consequences.
Skills & Assessments The student should display an effort to improve his/her current skill levels. Students will be required to complete written assessments identifying appropriate areas of state and school district standards.
Behavior The student is expected to display appropriate social behaviors in class including respect towards other players. Put downs or disrespectful behavior is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. This includes appropriate locker room behavior
Grading Students grades will be posted on Home Access after each activity. Activities last about 7 class period There are 3 activities a marking period. One will be in the pool All activities are worth 21 points
Health 6th Grade: Brooke Lesser 7th Grade: Mark Salmi 8th Grade: Nafis Taalib-Din and Kate Roode
6th Grade Topics Too Good For Drugs (6th Grade Unit) Too Good For Violence (6th Grade Unit) Body Systems Who Am I Now? Introduction to Puberty ALL students are expected to have a 3 ringed binder. This is their health notebook. Daily Prep Points- 3 Check website for homework, class papers, parent handouts, etc.
7th Grade Topics First Aid and Adult C.P.R. Too Good For Drugs (7th Grade Unit) Too Good For Violence (7th Grade Unit) Health folder left in the classroom
8th Grade Topics Values and Choices – Abstinence based Human Sexuality Curriculum/AIDS Education Too Good For Drugs (8th Grade Unit) Too Good For Violence (8th Grade Unit) ALL students are expected to have a folder.
PE Apparel Sale PE Apparel is NOW on SALE! Sale Ends WEDNESDAY Sept. 20th. Orders will be delivered to Poquessing around October 12th. Please visit the website below to order.
Athletics and Intramurals 7th & 8th Sports NEED a PIAA physical Fall- Soccer, Football, Field Hockey, Cheerleading Winter- Basketball, Wrestling, Cheerleading Spring- Baseball, softball, Track &Field 5th & 6th Grade Intramurals NEED permission slip for each activity Matball Weight Lifting/Fitness Center Soccer & Football Basketball Wrestling Field Hockey
Thank you for joining us tonight! It’s going to be a great school year Physical Education and Health Staff Contacts: Brooke Lesser- Nafis Taalib-Din- Mark Salmi- Kate Roode- Kimberly Clement- Please check websites for updates on PE and Health