CLICKER TRUE B. FALSE The point that the first slide is making is that theory comes before research. Slide 1 TRUE B. FALSE
Three Basic Elements of Theory Construction HYPOTHESIS: Testability intuitive rigorous Literature, Art, Practical Affairs Science Operational Specificity CONSTRUCTS: with surplus meaning Explicit empirical referents OBSERVATIONS: everyday ambiguous experimental
CLICKER The 3 basic elements of theory construction are on a continuum linking the humanities and science. FALSE TRUE
EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT: that portion of research in which variables are manipulated and their effects upon other variables observed.
CLICKER An experiment is a specific way of collecting information that allows the researcher to make connections between specific variables. A. TRUE B. FALSE
CONFOUNDING (or EXTRANEOUS) VARIABLES History: Events occurring between measurement 1 and 2 Maturation: e.g., growing older, hungrier, more tired Testing: Effects of test 1 on test 2 Instrumentation: Effects due to changes in instruments, observers or scorers
CONFOUNDING (or EXTRANEOUS) VARIABLES Selection Bias: Differential selection of respondents for the comparison groups Interaction Effects: Selection biases and the experimental variable
Which of the following are extraneous variables: CLICKER Which of the following are extraneous variables: TESTING SELECTION BIAS HISTORY INSTRUMENTATION ALL OF THE ABOVE