EDA 6260 Educational Systems Planning and Management University of Central Florida Theme for Module 7 The Savvy School Leader Plans For Technology Integration Module 7
Educational Systems Planning and Management Goals for this Module To become familiar with the applications of technology for administrative and instructional use that are currently available to teachers and students in our schools. Module 7
Educational Systems Planning and Management Goals for this Module To review several terms that are common in conversation regarding planning for technology integration. To become familiar with the steps in developing a technology plan for your school. To gain experience with analyzing data for school and classroom decision-making. Module 7
Educational Systems Planning and Management Leadership Quotation “Leadership must provide active and committed support -- financial, logistical, and moral.” Bernie Poole, 2009 Module 7
Educational Systems Planning and Management Reflection Activity Take a minute to review the quotation by Bernie Poole on the previous slide. Write down what you believe Bernie Poole is communicating to each of you as school leaders. Use a maximum of 5 sentences for your reflection. Module 7
Educational Systems Planning and Management Learning the Language of Technology Module 7
Let’s Use the Language of Technology in Conversation Activity Define the vocabulary words listed in the adjacent panel. After each definition, create a few lines as if in a conversation with a teacher, parent, tech director, or student at your school regarding a technology issue. Web Browser Malware digital library podcasting Jpeg Module 7
Savvy School Leaders Have A Plan for Technology Integration Technology Plan Module 7
Developing A Technology Plan As a school principal you will have some responsibility for your school’s or school district’s technology plan. Leadership with creating a plan Leadership with implementing the plan Leadership with evaluating the plan Module 7
Questions to Consider Around Planning For Technology What should be included in a technology plan? Who should be involved in planning, implementing and or evaluating the technology plan? Module 7
Developing the Technology Plan What should be included in a school technology plan? Module 7
What Does A Technology Plan Include? Most school plans address the following areas: 1. Vision and/or beliefs 2. Needs assessment 3. Learning standards 4. Professional development 5. Equipment and software 6. Budget and funding source 7. Evaluation process Module 7
A School’s Technology Plan Must Be Based On the School’s Mission As in any other planning or decision making a technology plan must be based on the schools vision and mission. The technology plan should be supported by the mission of the school. Module 7
A school’s Technology Plan Should Begin With a Need’s Assessment A needs assessment - should be conducted to determine the specific needs of individual teachers and support staff. A needs assessment - is needed to determine the knowledge and ability level of teachers and support staff. Module 7
A school’s Technology Plan Should Begin With a Need’s Assessment A needs assessment - should be conducted routinely, as a means of determining the plans effectiveness and in determining if further upgrades are required. The needs assessment can include: Survey Focus Groups Individual interviews and informal conversations Module 7
A School’s Technology Plan - Needs to Support a Set of Learning Standards A school technology plan - should be designed to improve and directly support student performance in meeting those learning standards. Module 7
A School Technology Plan - Should Not Take On a Life Of Its Own A school technology plan - should not take on a life of its own, it must be integrated in support of specific learning outcomes that are based on a set of learning standards. A school’s technology plan needs to include meaningful professional development Module 7
There Are Far Too Many Situations Where a Plan For Technology Integration Fails Due to inadequate or the absence of meaningful professional development requirements . It is important to note that because of the nature of technology, the professional development must be personal and individual to be effective. Module 7
There Are Far Too Many Situations Where a Plan For Technology Integration Fails A school’s technology plan needs to provide for the maintaining and upgrading of equipment and software. The best way to derail the integration of technology in a school is to have frequent equipment breakdowns or a software program not functioning correctly Module 7
There Are Far Too Many Situations Where a Plan For Technology Integration Fails A school technology plan needs to make provision for school-wide technical support service providers, either internal or outsourced, to ensure the equipment and programs function correctly and are reliable. A school technology plan needs to include a routine schedule of upgrading and replacing. Module 7
A School’s Technology Plan Needs To Be Secure In Its Long Range Funding A school technology plan must have a budget that includes a variety of funding sources. The school technology plan should address having a dedicated fund to act as a depository for budget funds, grant funds, and funds derived through donations. Module 7
A Technology Plan Needs To Have An Evaluation Process: Is It Meeting the Needs? A school’s technology plan needs to include a process to evaluate its effectiveness. The plan should have a definite process and procedure for determining the plans effectiveness. Module 7
The Process of Data Analysis: School or Classroom: A Review Focusing on a particular data set to determine the level of growth over time. Identifying specific trends shown by the data over time. Creating a series of potential solutions to improve or enhance the data. Developing strategies to promote the acceptance of your potential solutions, by teachers and other school staff members. Module 7
Let’s Conduct A Data Analysis of a Set of Data Select a set of data: classroom or school, and provide a brief description of the data. Take the following steps in conducting the data analysis: - Identifying three trends shown by the data. - Creating one potential solution for each of the trends, to improve or enhance the data. - Develop one strategy to implement each of the potential solutions. E-mail the data analysis back to the instructor. Module 7
Educational Systems Planning and Management End of Module Reflection Question Opportunity for Professional Self-Reflection: Something to Think About Does the technology plan for your school include the step presented during tonight’s discussion? Module 7
Module 7
The School Technology Posting, Comments and Paper Are Due for the Module 7 PLC At the completion of this module it is expected that the Module 7 PLC members will: - Post an abstract of their technology model - Comment on the abstracts of the members in their PLC - E-mail the technology paper to the instructor for review and grading. Module 4