Bizzy Bears Pre-School Newsletter Contacts During sessions:- 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 Email: - Follow us on Facebook Pre-School November Newsletter 2017 Themes Children are welcome to bring in items relating to our themes. This term we will be taking part in Children in need fundraising and following the childrens interests to plan weekly activities and learning experiences. Parents Open Evening We will be holding an informal open evening for all parents/carers on Wednesday 22nd November 6.00pm – 7.30pm. There will be an opportunity for all parents to discuss their child’s progress with their key person. All staff are involved in the open evening so are unable to provide any child supervision so if possible adults only to attend please. Appointment times can be arranged with your child’s key person wk beginning 13th November. Bizzy Bears values your views and opinions about the service we offer and there will be opportunities for you to share your opinions with us. If you are unable to attend and would like to meet with your child’s key person at an alternative time please speak to them to arrange this. Thank you Harvest donation A big thank you for all the donations to the Harvest box. We talked to the children about why we had made the collection and explained to them that the food would be shared with people in our local community. Policy of the month We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures that Bizzy Bears follows. To familiarise parents/carers with our policies this term we shall be focusing on one policy per month. This month it is our Complaints policy. A copy of this policy is displayed on the parents notice board in the corridor, in the policy book in the changing room and on our website. We can also email parents a copy if requested.
Christmas Nativity and Carol concert Children In Need To celebrate this years Children in need appeal, we will be holding a Spotty theme week from 13th-17th November. Children are welcome to come to Pre school dressed in spots or their favorite dressing up costume throughout the week. We will be planning lots of spotty themed activities over the week including a disco and party games. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (13th,14th,15th) children are welcome to bring in loose change to cover a large cut out of Pudsey bear who will be sat outside the pavilion. On Thursday and Friday (16th,17th) we will be holding a cake sale at the end of the session and would welcome donations of cakes to sell to go alongside some that the children have been making in Preschool. Thank you. Facebook We would like to inform all parents and carers that we now have a Preschool facebook page. The prime use for this page will be to display photographs of activities which we have carried out(no children will be included in these photographs), displaying reminders such as funding dates and Preschool events. Please like our page and check regularly for any updates. Please note we will not be using this page to receive messages as it will not be checked on a regular basis so please continue to telephone or email us in the usual way. Christmas Nativity and Carol concert We will be holding our Christmas Nativity on Thursday 14th December at 11.30am and Friday 15th at 11.30am If your child does not attend a Thursday or Friday session you are welcome to bring them in at 11.25am (dressed in their costume) to participate. Parents are welcome to join us at 11.30am for our concerts. Your child will receive a slip w/b 27th November with their part and costume required. If any parent has difficulties finding a costume please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help. Christmas Party Our party will take place during our session on Wednesday December 20th and will include the entertainer Silly Soapy, party food and a visit from Father Christmas. All children who are not in on that day are welcome to join us at 1.00pm for the party. There is no extra charge for the party. All parents are welcome to join us at 2.30pm to see our special visitor. We would welcome any parents that may be able to help with laying out the food for the party on the day. Please let a member of staff know if you are able to help. Bizzy Bears will close earlier at 2.30pm on Tuesday 20th December. Dates for your diary Children in need- W/C 13th November-17th Nov Wednesday 22nd November 6.00pm -7.30pm ~ Parents Open evening Thursday 14th December 11.30am~ Nativity 1 Friday 15th December 11.30am- Nativity 2 Wednesday 20th December 1.00pm-2.30pm ~ Children’s Pre school Christmas party and last day of term (all children welcome)