Mapping Special Interest Group SNOMED IHTSDO Copenhagen, DK 24 October 2007
Agenda: Friday AM Introductions Governance and Terms of Reference (document distributed for discussion) Interim activity summary: Report of Brisbane meeting and action items Work group assignments Review of 2008 Work Plan relating to Map SIG Discussion of core projects: ICD-10 directive; Utility of core reference map; discussion ICD-10 proposal discussion ICD-10 use cases by nation; implications for mapping scope Hazel Brear – UK perspective Input regarding methodology Review and discussion of national architectures and mapping agendas; representatives of each member country Work plan discussion Committee review and, inventory of projects; which to advance to management for prioritization and funding?
Map SIG terms of reference Purpose This document summarizes the role and operational guidelines of the IHTSDO Mapping Special Interest Group (Map SIG). Overview The Map SIG is a forum established by the IHTSDO Management Board to increase meaningful participation in continuing SNOMED Clinical Terms® mapping efforts. The Mapping Special Interest Group reports to the IHTSDO via the IHTSDO Content Committee.
Map SIG terms of reference Mission The mission of IHTSDO Mapping special Interest Group is to: Enable the IHTSDO to gather input from multiple perspectives about current science and practice related to clinical terminology mapping. Provide a forum for the discussion of mapping topics related to SNOMED CT including priorities for future mappings, implementation and deployment best practices, and validation. Be a conduit of feedback from other organizations to the IHTSDO. Educate and inform the clinical, administrative and political communities who may employ SNOMED CT regarding the structure, function, appropriate use and benefits of SNOMED CT maps.
Map SIG terms of reference Scope of activities: a) education of the SNOMED community regarding mapping b) formulation of optimal and efficient data structures and procedures for map creation c) supervising and providing input regarding priority map creation and maintenance within the constraints of IHTSDO resources and with agreement of the Management Board. d) coordination and conduct of validation activities to assure map reproducibility and usefulness e) assisting IHTSDO in the identification and creation of information technology resources to facilitate mapping efforts
Map SIG terms of reference Interface with other organizations Mapping activity intrinsically involves a dialogue and relationship between IHTSDO and other organizations which develop terminology. These relationships will generally involve legal contracts affirming the restraints on shared use of intellectual property.
Map SIG terms of reference Reporting procedures Eligibility Participation Responsibility and accountability Members IHTSDO Definitions