Nativism and the Americanization Movement Mrs. Housenick US History 10/1/12
What does this cartoon show us about how immigrants were treated What does this cartoon show us about how immigrants were treated? What do the shadows represent?
The Rise of Nativism Nativism: Racism towards immigrants and a desire to keep America for “Americans only” Both native-born and assimilated immigrants viewed the new immigrants with fear, hostility and suspicion Thought New Immigrants from SE Europe and Asia were inferior, lower class Accused of taking jobs from “real Americans”
Anti-Catholicism and Anti-Semitism Many of the new immigrants were Catholic or Jewish Nativists were suspicious and intolerant of these new religions Fears of a Catholic conspiracy to take over America Violence against Catholics--including burning of churches
Anti-Chinese Sentiment Nativists especially targeted Chinese Seen as completely foreign, incapable of fitting in -Workingmen’s Party formed in California by Dennis Kearney to pressure government to stop Chinese immigration
Anti-Chinese Sentiment ctnd. 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act Forbade Chinese immigration to the US In effect until 1943 ! First law restricting immigration in US Chinese targeted more intensely than other immigrant groups.
Americanization Movement Native-born Americans wanted immigrants to assimilate--or adopt the language and customs of American society. Effort by government and private citizens to teach new immigrants how to become part of American society and culture.
Effects of Americanization Movement Immigrants and children encouraged to attend public schools to learn English, American history and government Adult immigrants attended night school. Some employers, like Henry Ford, set up Americanization classes.