Chapter 13: Urban Patterns Activity within cities
Why Do Services Cluster Downtown? Chapter 13: Urban Patterns Key Issue 1
Why do Services Cluster Downtown? Central Business District (Downtown) Land Uses Retail services High threshold Recently moved to suburbs (malls) High range Combine with tourism or recreational activities Services for downtown workers Goods for people shopping/working on lunch hours Business services Clustered in downtown areas Ex. Lawyers try to get offices near capital & court offices Central location for different levels of workers
Why do Services Cluster Downtown? Competition for Land in CBDs High land costs: scarce land = big $ (Tokyo ex.) Intensive land use Use land above and below the ground more Utilities, parking, transportation are all found underground Skyscrapers Zoning influences height, location, etc. Elevators & iron framing allowed for building up “vertical geography” Retail (ground), offices (mid), apartments (high) Chunk of land the size of book page costs $1000.
Why do Services Cluster Downtown? Activities limited in CBDs b/c of high rent & limited land Industrial Needs area to spread out factories, found in suburbs & business parks Residential Initially large but in the 20th Century population decreased with popularity of suburbs Today increasing with refurbishing old offices & warehouses CBDs Outside US In Europe CBDs are not as commercial More residential and public spaces Chunk of land the size of book page costs $1000.