Welcome to 1st Grade! Where we LEARN BY DOING!
We all love teaching first grade! Meet the Teachers Our first grade team includes Amy Wilson, Lindsay Fricke, Alicia Rogerson, Tara Whitbread, Mary Greene and Lisa Kristianson. Lindsay, Amy, and Alicia have been working together as a First Grade team for the past two years. We enjoy working with first graders - teaching them new skills and helping them gain confidence as learners. We are fortunate to have our three teaching partners, Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Whitbread, and Mrs. Kristianson with us ½ time. They are integral parts of our learning community. We all love teaching first grade!
A day in first grade is very busy! A typical day includes: Morning Work Morning Meeting Snack Break Daily 5 Includes Literacy Block, Writer’s Workshop, & Phonics Recess/Lunch Read Aloud Math Science Social Studies Class News Spelling Computers & Smart Board integrated throughout day
Daily Responsibility Each day, our students bring home and return PRIDE books. This notebook provides a place for them to keep their… Homework Calendar – students are asked to complete a designated number of homework activities each week. Reading Log - we expect our first graders to read for at least 20 minutes a night. The more we practice, the better our reading skills! Agendas- as part of our daily schedule, the students will record a message about their day. This is also where we will write any reminders or information that you may need to know about. Parents are asked to read and initial this nightly. Reading Books Students are also expected to bring a snack and a filled water bottle daily.
They will have Music, Drama, Spanish and Art weekly. Fine Arts Our students are very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with our Fine Arts teachers on Mondays & Fridays. They will have Music, Drama, Spanish and Art weekly. Please see the Fine Arts webpage for information on behavior expectations, curriculum information, quarterly newsletters, and important dates and events.
What else you need to know about first grade: Routines & Procedures What else you need to know about first grade: Communication Grading/Conferences Lunch and Recess Behavior Policy
Our FIELD TRIPS are always a first grade favorite! Special Events Our FIELD TRIPS are always a first grade favorite! During the year, we will visit various places in the community that will enhance our learning. This year, our field trips will be… United Skates of America (Force and Motion) on October 1st Durant Nature Park (Forest Biome study) on November 5th Starlab visits on February 27th N.C. Zoo in May (date tbd)
We also have many special events that take place in our classrooms… Community Construction Day Animal Presentations Pumpkin Science …and so much more! 100th Day of School Celebration Visits from scientists
Click on “Faculty” and then “First Grade” When in doubt…. Check out the website! www.endeavorcharterschool.com Click on “Faculty” and then “First Grade” Log in. What can you find here: Monthly newsletters Homework calendars Class schedule Field Trip information Lunch/Recess sign-ups
We look forward to working with you and your first graders!