Section 48 Welcome
New National System in operation from Easter 2018 in our Diocese Section 48 inspections take place under section 48 of the Education act and also Canon law (Mainly 803-806) New National System in operation from Easter 2018 in our Diocese
The framework is changing At present New framework Outcomes with regard to Catholic Life Provision (includes RE and Prayer Life) Leadership (includes RE and Prayer Life) Catholic Life (Includes provision and leadership) Religious Education (Includes provision and leadership) Prayer Life of school (Includes provision and leadership)
Reasons for changes RE Repetition Leadership throughout all areas Sixth form Colleges Move towards a more unified framework
As always Canon Law applies: 803: Formation and education in a Catholic school must be based on the principles of Catholic doctrine, -whole curriculum has to reflect the distinctive nature of the school 806: Those who are in charge of Catholic schools are to ensure, under the supervision of the local Ordinary, that the formation given in them is, in its academic standards, at least as outstanding as that in other schools in the area- -general results matter
Unique to our Diocese A Future Full of Hope Chaplaincy Partnership
There are still descriptor paragraphs for each grade in each category but these are examples only. They are not meant to be definitive or exhaustive
Catholic Life The extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school The quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the school How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision of the Catholic Life of the School
Charity work/common Good Pupil Leadership and voice The extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school Empathy Behaviour Belonging Charity work/common Good Chaplaincy Pastoral Care PSHE Pupil Leadership and voice
The quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the school The school’s mission statement; the extent to which the school makes its Catholic identity and ethos explicit through the learning environment, chaplaincy and community cohesion; the quality of the pastoral care shown to all members of the community, both pupils and staff; the extent to which the school promotes standards of behaviour that reflect Gospel values and how effectively it develops positive relationships between all members of the school community; the quality of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE), Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Spiritual and Moral education.
How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for the Catholic Life of the school the extent to which leaders offer models of good practice as leaders of Catholic Life. how well leaders and governors implement improvement in respect of the Catholic Life of the school; (based on their monitoring and evaluation) how well leaders and governors ensure that the whole curriculum contributes to pupils’ spiritual, moral, and vocational development. (this will include things like: The Environment, chaplaincy, PSHE) How well Leaders and governors implement the Diocesan Pastoral Vision for the Diocese and its strategy for schools.
Overarching Questions for Leadership What do you know? How do you know what everyone else know? How do you communicate your vision and model it? How do you evaluate practice?
Religious Education How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in RE The quality of teaching, learning and assessment How well Leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for RE
Engagement/enthusiasm How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in RE Engagement/enthusiasm Behaviour Progress Challenge Know how to improve Fulfil Outcomes of RE
The quality of teaching, learning and assessment Teacher knowledge Teaching techniques used effectively (questioning for example) Effective use of resources Expectations/Feedback etc Planning linked to assessment
Use of data and the accuracy and impact of this. How well Leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for RE Bishops’ Conference requirements (All of them! – time/key posts/curriculum directives including need to teach other faiths ) Use of data and the accuracy and impact of this. Effective subject leader (How do you know?) Evidence of effective monitoring, evaluation and impact of planning linked to these Engagement with diocese
On the other hand! Maybe Not Like This!
Prayer life of School How well pupils respond to, and participate in, the prayer life of the school The quality of provision How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for the prayer life of the school
Engagement/understanding Voluntary activities How well pupils respond to, and participate in, the prayer life of the school Pupil Leadership That it is Prayer! Engagement/understanding Voluntary activities Effects (Transformation/spiritual & moral)
The quality of provision Central to life of school – given priority (time/resources/) Knowledge of staff /training of pupils Planned opportunities to engage with community (Parents/carers, parish, diocese, other faith communities) Planned to be inclusive Planned opportunities to develop understanding of Catholic traditions
Leaders model good practice Training provided for staff (impact) How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for the prayer life of the school Promote, monitor, evaluate and understand the impact of what the school is doing Leaders model good practice Training provided for staff (impact) Engage with diocese
Outstanding (1) Each of the following must be at least Good and two must be Outstanding: The Catholic Life of the school Religious Education The Prayer Life of the School Good (2) Each of the following must be at least Good: Requires Improvement (3) Each of the following must be at least Requires Improvement: Inadequate (4) The overall effectiveness of the school in providing Catholic education is likely to be Inadequate if any of the following are Inadequate: