Relaxin The Pregnancy Peptide
Background Info •Peptide hormone •Secreted by corpus luteum in ovary; placenta and uterine lining during pregnancy •Control of relaxin: luteinizing hormone from pituitary gland stimulates production in ovary • human chorionic hormones released by placenta •Carries out actions on reproductive system and other organs
Functions •Relax uterus, inhibit contractions, prepare uterus for pregnancy •Pregnancy levels rise; inhibits uterus contractions •Regulate cardiovascular and renal systems: increase demand for nutrients •Promotes rupture of placenta •Widens and softens pelvic bone and cervix during labor; acts on pelvic ligaments
RELAXIN •LIKE BUILDING A PYRAMID -as it gets taller, the base must be wider
Too Much and Too Little •Hyposecretion: may contribute to scleroderma –skin thickens and hardens –development of fibrosis and scarring on skin •Hypersecretion: associated with premature birth – rupture of fetal membrane –opening of cervix – more research needed
Works Cited •"You & Your Hormones." You & Your Hormones. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. <>. •"HPL, Relaxin, & Oxytocin." What to Epect: Pregnancy and Planning Every Step of the Way. What to Expect, n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. < health/pregnancy-hormones/hpl.aspx>. •The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. "Relaxin (hormone)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. <>.